孫瑜華Yu-Hua Christine Sun陳玉芳Yu-Fang Chen2019-09-052012-2-252019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697190082%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/107760全球金融風暴衝擊造成景氣低迷,但全世界線上購物市場反而因方便、價格便宜等優勢逆勢成長,其中網路團購為目前新興的線上購物方式,藉由網路打破過去地域的限制,集結相同需求的消費者,發揮「團結力量大」的精神取得有力的購買條件,顛覆過去由製造商與經銷商決定產品售價模式。本研究透過結合價促銷與善因行銷兩種行銷方式探討對消費者購買意願的影響,而消費者從眾行為是否會改變其購買意願上的改變,知覺價值會不會在價格促銷、善因行銷、從眾行為與購買意願之間產生中介效果。 本研究設計採用2(價格促銷:六折、九折) ×3(善因行銷:10%、5%、0%)的實驗矩陣,問卷依此分為6個版本,每一位受訪對象會隨機分派到實驗組合中的其中一個作為操弄。本研究利用my3q網路問卷進行在愛合購網站發放,以有團購經驗消費者為發放對象,共發出3000份問卷,回收351份問卷,扣除無效問卷51份,有效問卷300份,有效回收率為11.7%,並以SPSS 17.0套裝軟體作為資料分析工具。 本研究結果發現,價格促銷、善因行銷與從眾行為對知覺價值有部份正向之影響;價格促銷對購買意願有正向之影響;價格促銷、善因行銷與從眾行為對購買意願具有交互效果;而知覺價值中情感價值、價格價值對購買意願有正向之影響;知覺價值對價格促銷與購買意願之間具有完全中介之效果、知覺價值對從眾行為之間具有部份中介效果。最後,根據本研究結果對網路團購業者提出未來行銷實務建議。The global financial crisis results in a wide-spreading business recession, but the global on-line shopping market, due to its advantages of convenience and competitive price, continues to grow despite the crisis. The group buying, especially, is the current newest way of on-line shopping. With the help of Internet, it breaks the limit of geographic boundaries and gathers a group of like-minded consumers to make the best use of “Unity is Strength” and then to gain effective bargaining power. Also, it transforms the selling model that was only conducted by manufactures and dealers in the past. This research, through the combination of price promotion and cause-related marketing, discusses the effect on consumers’ willingness to buy and further studies whether consumers’ conformity will change purchase intention and whether perceived value will cause intermediary effect among price promotion, cause-related marketing, conformity, and purchase intention. This research adopts the experimental matrix design of 2 (price promotion: 40% off, 10% off) × 2 (cause-related marketing: donate 10%, donate 5%, not donate). There are 6 fictitious scenarios of the questionnaires which will be sent to respondents randomly. This research uses my3q on-line survey to distribute on the website of ihergo and chooses consumers with on-line shopping experience as research subjects. A total of 3000 surveys are provided and 351 surveys are collected. Deducting 51 invalid surveys, this research analyzes 300 valid surveys through SPSS 17.0 statistic software and the valid response rate is 11.7%. This research shows price promotion, cause-related marketing and conformity have some positive influence on perceived value; price promotion has positive influence on purchase intention; price promotion and cause-related marketing have mutual influence on conformity. In addition, in perceived value, sensibility value and price value both positively influence purchase intention. Perceived value has complete intermediary effect between price promotion and purchase intention and has some intermediary effect on conformity. Finally, according to the results of the experiment, the research provides future marketing suggestions for on-line group shopping operators.美食團購價格促銷善因行銷從眾行為知覺價值購買意願Food Group-BuyingPrice PromotionCause-Related MarketingConformityPerceived ValuePurchase Intention價格促銷、善因行銷與從眾行為對消費者知覺價值及購買意願之研究-以美食團購為例The Effects of Price Promotion, Cause-Related Marketing and Conformity on Consumer Perceived Value and Purchase Intention-A Casue Study of “Food Group-Buying”