國立臺灣師範大學應用華語文學系官英華蔡介立2014-10-302014-10-302011-10-23http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/31367以眼動實驗探討外國學生閱讀中文時的訊息處理歷程 有關漢語閱讀的研究已有很長的歷史,但絕大多數的研究都是探討中文母語者的閱 讀行為,至今專門探討非中文母語者的閱讀行為的研究數量仍不多。從研究方法來看, 中文母語者的閱讀研究在近10 年都使用了許多精密的生理測量儀器,如眼動儀 (eye-tracker)、腦波儀(EEG)、功能性磁共振(FMRI)等,來探索閱讀的即時性(online) 心理歷程。可是有關非中文母語者的閱讀行為研究則沒有看到任何使用上述精密儀器 所從事的實驗。由於研究中文母語者的漢語閱讀行為已經有大量的文獻,且也已建立 了一些理論,可以想見未來的研究勢必也會隨著全球學習華語的風潮,而擴展關注到 非中文母語者的閱讀行為。 有鑑於先前的研究因為實驗方法的緣故,僅能觀察讀者閱讀完之後的反應,無法觀 察到讀者閱讀時的即時性訊息處理歷程。因此本研究希望突破以往的方法,使用眼動 科技來探索不同程度、不同母語背景(英、日)的外國學生在閱讀中文時的眼動行為 差異。從基礎研究的角度出發,本研究將進行4 個實驗來比較不同母語(英、日語) 及不同中文程度(中、高級)的外國學生在閱讀中文的眼動行為,以此來探索背景不 同的外國學生在閱讀中文時,其訊息處理歷程有何差異,並比較他們處理詞彙的形、 音歷程與中文母語者之間的異同。Exploring foreign students’information processing in Chinese silent reading via eye-movement experiments Chinese reading has been researched for decades, but most of the studies focused on investigating the reading behavior of Chinese native speakers (CNS), whereas only few studies have examined the reading behavior of CFL (Chinese as a foreign language) learners. In the last decade, studies on CNS’s reading have been employing psycho-physiological instruments, such as eye-tracker, EEG, and fMRI etc., to explore the online psychological processes during reading. However, it seems that studies on CFL learners’reading have not carried out any experiments using the instruments just mentioned. Since there have been a large number of studies on CNS’s reading, which have set up some important theories, it is to be expected that the trends of the research on Chinese reading will be extended to investigating the reading behavior of CFL learners in the near future. Due to the limitation of research paradigm, prior researches could only observe the off-line psychological processes after reading, which could not reveal the on-line information processing during reading. Consequently, the current research will apply eye-tracking technique to explore CFL learners’eye-movement behavior in reading Chinese. Four experiments will be conducted to find out the differences in eye-movement behavior among CFL learners with different first language and the proficiency level in Chinese, and those difference between CFL learners’and CNS. Furthermore, the way in which different CFL learners process the phonology and orthography of Chinese words during silent reading will be compared with each other, which in turn will be compared with that of the CNS.外國人閱讀中文眼動字音/字形處理策略母語背景華語程度eye-tracking experimentsChinese silent readingon-line information processing以眼動實驗探討外國學生閱讀中文時的訊息處理歷程