王仕茹Wang, Shih-Ju范家豪Fan, Chia-Hao2023-12-082023-06-112023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ebcca884898290ea4586ba30cb60828c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120179數位轉型是指利用數位科技導入,改變企業組織、營運流程及商業模式,來因應不斷變化的商業市場及客戶需求。然而,數位轉型的推行卻有可能遇到障礙,尤其是中小業的各方面資源遠不及大型企業,雲端科技裡的軟體即服務 (SaaS) 是數位轉型的重要工具,也是中小企業應該優先規劃的方向。本研究針對數位轉型初期及尚未開始轉型的企業為研究對象,訪問三位任職於雲端SaaS服務的廠商,工作為協助企業轉型的實務人士,探究中小企業在進行數位轉型會遇到的主要障礙、痛點與在意的問題,以及如何善用SaaS服務來解決所遇到的障礙,並指出數位轉型成功的企業與正在努力轉型的企業這兩者間的差異為何,希望本研究結果可以做為處於數位轉型初期的中小企業的決策參考。This study investigates the challenges encountered by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) during the early stages of digital transformation and the potential of Software as a Service (SaaS) in cloud technology to act as a solution. While SMEs may face resource limitations that impede their digital transformation efforts, digital transformation is critical for organizational adaptability and competitiveness in response to market changes and customer demands. This research is based on interviews with three practitioners who have assisted companies with digital transformation through cloud SaaS services. The study identifies the primary obstacles, pain points, and concerns experienced by SMEs during the initial stages of digital transformation as well as by some who have not yet commenced. Additionally, the study compares companies which have successfully undergone digital transformation with companies that are still attempting to transform. The research results suggest that SaaS services can assist SMEs in overcoming the challenges of digital transformation. This research contributes to the literature on digital transformation by focusing on the challenges faced by SMEs and the potential of SaaS services to facilitate digital transformation. This is a timely and relevant topic as digital technologies become increasingly essential in business operations. Furthermore, the study's emphasis on SMEs is crucial since they may confront unique obstacles when adopting digital technologies due to resource constraints.數位轉型中小企業SaaS軟體即服務Digital TransformationSMEsSaaSSoftware as a Service中小企業數位轉型障礙與SaaS推廣之研究The Study in the Obstacles of SME's Digital Transformation and the Introduction of SaaSetd