黃馨瑩2014-10-272014-10-272009-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/11811在英語系國家當中「批判式讀寫理論」已受到相當重視,其理論與應用均有大量文獻探討。然而在許多英語為外語之亞洲國家當中,批判理論並未應用於實際教學當中,而理論性的探討亦不多。台灣學者亦指出批判理論仍未受到台灣英語教學界的重視。本研究旨在探討批判式讀寫理論應用於台灣英語讀寫教學的可行性及可行方式,更特別探究批判觀點如何幫助學生對於文章內容提出質疑與反思。本研究為一質性教師行動研究,於台灣某大學中之英語閱讀與寫作課程中進行,參與之研究對象為35名選修此課程之學生。所收集之資料包含學生對於三篇文章之讀後報告(response piece),以及學生對於批判觀點之反思報告(reflection paper)。研究顯示,學生對於文章能提出多向度的思考,包含內容選取之意識型態、文章呈現時被壓抑的觀點、以及文章所提倡之社會價值。然而,有少數學生亦顯示出對於閱讀與寫作課程仲介紹批判思考模式的抗拒。根據研究結果,本文對於「批判式讀寫理論」應用於英語讀寫教學中之實施提出相關建議,包含如何增進學生對於批判理論思考模式之理解、文章主題的適切性與教學模式、文章類別的選取原則與時機、以及批判理論行動性的思維模式。There has been an increasing number of research studies and classroom implementations of critical literacy at all levels of education in many English-language nations. However, critical literacy remains outside of mainstream concerns in English-as-a-foreign language classrooms in Asia, including Taiwan. This study explores the ways in which students respond to texts when encouraged to read critically. Through this effort, the study also aims to gain insight into how a critical literacy perspective can be implemented in an EFL reading and writing course, and to draw implications for the possibility and practicality of a critical literacy framework for the teaching of English in Taiwan and in other EFL contexts. Findings of the study suggest that students were able to discern the voices that have been silenced and question the perspectives that have been omitted in the texts that they read. In addition, they were able to draw connections between the text and their own lives and were also inspired by the texts to cast a critical lens on themselves and on the local situation. A few students, however, showed non-participation or even resistance to the inclusion of a critical lens. The results yielded important implications for practice, including ways to foster further engagement with a critical literacy stance, the choice of reading topics, the source of materials, the reading and writing connection, and the development of an action stance towards reading and re-writing the world.批判式讀寫理論讀寫關連性英語為外語之閱讀critical literacyreading-writing connectionEnglish-as-a-foreign-language readingEFL Reading Through a Critical Literacy Perspective批判式讀寫理論應用於英語為第二外語之閱讀