梁桂嘉Liang, Kuei-Chia林聖芬Lin, Sheng-Fen2019-09-05不公開2019-09-052018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060568015T%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103092介面設計原則可協助設計者規劃出較良好之介面設計,然而探討介面設計相關文獻時發現,多數學者提出之介面設計原則採大方向,其細項原則較少被關注。隨著旅遊產業與型態的變遷,在地深度體驗成了未來多數人旅遊的趨勢,其中造就了導遊媒合服務的需求與市場。故本研究以導遊媒合App為例,旨在探討該主題之介面設計原則與其具體細項原則。 本研究共分為三個階段,第一階段為旅遊產業、媒合平台、智慧行動裝置與使用者介面相關理論和文獻的探討,且初步歸納出 「對應真實世界與使用者認知」、「系統可視性」、「適時回饋信息」、「介面的一致性」、「使用者自主控制權」、「減少記憶負擔」、「錯誤預防與回復」、「簡單容易理解」等8項基本的介面設計原則。第二階段則是邀請四位業界介面設計領域的專家,利用此8項原則進行案例的評估,針對其評估結果進行深入訪談,並將訪談所得的結果進行分析,於此階段彙整出導遊媒合App其介面設計原則,共得61項細則。第三階段為運用上述研究所得之結果嘗試實驗創作,並且對於創作成果進行介面設計原則的評估與檢視。 本研究結論如下(1)針對該類型主題之介面設計原則除了上述的8項原則之外,還須考量其親和性與美觀性。(2)介面設計會因產品需求、功能或主題的不同,造成設計與原則產生矛盾的情況發生,因此設計者於設計過程中需考量產品整體主要的訴求,做出適當的調整。(3)設計者可根據設計的不同階段來應用此介面設計原則,於設計前期可用為建立設計規範,設計中、後期則可用來作為介面設計檢核評估的工具。(4)此類型媒合服務有其安全性的顧慮,因此在介面設計上可提供使用者更多挑選導遊的參考依據,如評價、評分等資訊內容。此研究成果將有助於設計者執行相關媒合類型介面設計時作為設計方針,並供為後續介面設計相關研究之參考。The principle of interface design can help designers to create more friendly user interface. Through reviews of literature and references of user interface design, we found that most of the principles are too general, and the sub-principles are lack of attention. With the changes of type in the tourism industry, local in-depth travel has become the trend of travel, which has created the demand and market for the tour guide service. Therefore, this research takes tour guides matching service application as an example to develop the principles and sub-principles of interface design. This study has three stages: First, we reviewed literature and references such as the tourism industry, the matching service platform, the smart mobile device and the user interface. This study preliminary summed up eight basic principles of user interface design, which includes "Mapping to the real world and user perception", "Visibility of system”, “Offer informative feedback”, “Interface consistency”, “Keep user to control”, “Reduced memory load”, “Error prevention and recover”, and “Simple and easy to understand”. Second, we invited four interface design experts from the industry to use the eight principles to evaluate the case, and complete in-depth interviews based on the evaluation results. Then, we analyzed the results of the interview and developed the principles of tour guides matching service application for user interface design. We have obtained a total of sixty-one sub-principles. Third, based on the previous results, we try to use these principles to design and re-assess the design outcome. The results of this study conclude: (1) The principles of user interface design for this type should also be considered user friendly and affinity. (2) These principles may contradict each other according to the application’s demand, function or type, so designers should have holistic thinking and make appropriate adjustments. (3) Designers can use these principles in different design stages. In early stage, it is helpful to create design guidelines. From mid to end stages, it can be used as an examination tool for the interface design. (4) As this type of matching service has safety consideration, interface can offer users more information such as evaluating and scoring to select suitable tour guides. The result of this research will benefit designers to use these principles as the guideline for relevant matching service interface development, which be the reference of interface design related research.導遊服務媒合平台使用者介面Tour guide serviceMatching service platformUser interface媒合平台使用者介面之研究-以導遊媒合App為例A Study of User Interface Design Principles on the Matching Service Platform –Taking Tour Guides Matching Service Application as an Example