盧承杰Lu, Cheng-Chieh瑪麗娜Papadopoulou, Marina2023-12-082022-08-162023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/2911a7dd711b0d56a91e29fad6cb3405/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118902noneThis study investigates the effect that career growth has on turnover intention among European workers in Europe. Myriad of studies have examined how career growth influences workers’ personal and work outcomes, including turnover intention. In an era where employees feel free to job-hop from company to company in order to grow their career and develop themselves, it is becoming more and more apparent that the retention literature needs to find ways to retain valuable employees and help them reach their goals within their current company. This study collected data using the convenience and snowball sampling techniques. The data analysis was conducted with the help of the statistical tool IBM SPSS 23 and Mplus Editor to carry out descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Analysis, and Hierarchical Regression Analysis. The findings show a strong negative relationship between career growth and turnover intention, while the job characteristics were found not to moderate this relationship. Implications and recommendations for future research are discussed.nonecareer growthturnover intentionjob characteristicsThe Impact of Career Growth on Turnover Intention in the European Context: The Moderating Effect of the Job CharacteristicsThe Impact of Career Growth on Turnover Intention in the European Context: The Moderating Effect of the Job Characteristicsetd