黃進龍Huang, Chin-Lung林正哲Lin, Cheng-Che2023-12-082028-07-172023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e5000cca3b963ef74921e1b2651b15e1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118866本研究主要探索與解析肖像畫中關於青少女的符號與感知語彙,肖像畫扮演文化與知識傳承的重要角色,且在藝術史上形成脈絡,起初在宗教之中扮演協助與推廣的角色,隨後在文藝復興時肖像藝術家的崛起,工業革命後隨著攝影技術的發展,攝影對肖像畫的影響使得近代藝術產生丕變,也因此讓許多畫派百花齊放。本文將藝術家在這些青少女肖像畫中傳達的訊息,藉由圖像感知與符號學分析其不同層面的涵義。由於時代、文化與區域各異,藝術對肖像畫的造型呈現也是變化萬千,所以本文著重於青少年女性的符號語彙研究,輔以近代心理學的學理中,兒童心理學與社會心理學收集、鑑別與整理文獻上分析,試圖解釋當代青少年普遍面臨與經歷的內在思想與意念。隨著時代變遷與文明的革新,筆者長年在從事初等教育的環境中,發覺青少年時期的心理狀態因網路與社群媒體的影響已不容小覷,此階段的孩子正處於「自我同一感」的建立,以及尋求同才與自我的認同。在群體之中孩子們有如微型社會的結構使得各自產生「策略性自我表現」於生活之中。由於上述的現象促使筆者於藝術史中關於青少女肖像的符號進行梳理,並將其與現下的青少女現象融合,開展出一種兼含具有當代、寫實與主觀的創作,藉由這些爬梳獲得創作養分,使得創作作品得以添加內涵與獨特創作圖像。 本論文藉由探索「肖像繪畫創作的認同感」,除了檢視藝術史中肖像畫的脈絡,更藉由結合現下社會環境議題為創作上的思想與實踐脈絡,進而探討筆者作品與探索青少女符號與象徵性語彙作為人和世界的重要媒介所延伸出來的相關議題。The primary focus of this study is to explore and analyze the symbols and perceptual vocabulary related to teenage girls in portrait paintings. Portrait paintings play an important role in cultural and knowledge transmission and have formed a context in art history. Initially, they played a role in assisting and promoting religion, and later, with the rise of portrait artists during the Renaissance, they underwent a change. After the Industrial Revolution, the development of photography had a profound impact on portrait paintings, which led to a transformation in modern art, and subsequently, an explosion of various art movements. This study aims to convey the messages conveyed by artists in these teenage girl portrait paintings and analyze their meaning using Iconography perception and Semiotics analysis. Since different eras, cultures, and regions have different styles of portrait paintings, this study focuses on the symbolic vocabulary of teenage girls, supplemented by literature analysis of child psychology and social psychology from modern psychology theories, attempting to explain the inner thoughts and ideas that contemporary teenagers generally face and experience.With the changes of time and civilization, the author has been engaged in elementary education for many years and has found that the psychological state of teenagers is not to be underestimated due to the influence of the internet and social media. Children at this stage are in the process of establishing a sense of self-identity, seeking recognition and self-identification with peers. In the group, children create "strategic self-expression" in their lives, similar to a microcosm of society. Due to the aforementioned phenomenon, the author has conducted a review of the symbols of teenage girl portraits in art history and integrated it with the current phenomenon of teenage girls. This has resulted in a creative style that combines contemporary, realistic, and subjective elements. Through the exploration of these elements, creative inspiration is gained, allowing for the addition of meaning and unique artistic imagery in the works.This thesis explores the "sense of identity in portrait painting creation". In addition to examining the context of portrait painting in art history, it also combines current social and environmental issues as a framework for creative thought and practice. Through this, the author investigates his own works and explores the relevant issues extending from the use of teenage girl symbols and symbolic language as an important medium for people and the world.青少女符號學圖像感知同一感肖像畫Adolescent GirlsSemioticsIconography perceptiondentity AchievementPortrait Painting肖像繪畫創作的認同感之研究Study on the Identity of Portrait Paintingetd