鳳華2014-10-272014-10-272006-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16489互動式語言(Intra-verbal)是自閉症學生主要的行為缺陷之一,如何協助自閉症打破自我的藩籬,互動式語言的教導及拓展是一重要關鍵。本文從B. F. Skinner (1957)的互動式語言概念探討增進高功能自閉症學生互動式語言能力的具體教學方式。文章首先從Skinner之語言行為(Verbal behavior)之觀點討論互動式語言之內涵;教學的向度則以主題式互動語言為主軸,逐一討論教學的重點序列課程,其中包含:簡單的刺激聯結關係訓練、生活相關事件的因果關係、相關字詞的聯想、主題式對談的開展以及肢體語言的學習;最後則介紹相關的研究論文做為佐證,並期待做為實務者之教學參考。The major deficit of students with high-functioning autism had been on the area of social interaction, especially social language. The important part to help students with autism to get along with others was to teach social language, or "intra-verbal behavior" defined by B. F. Skinner. This paper first introduced concepts of intra-verbal according to B. F. Skinner's "Verbal Behavior". Secondly, the major teaching method focused on topical conversation, more complicate intra-verbal behaviors, and proposed five parts of sequence curriculum: simple stimulus connection training, life related cause-effect training, free association with known words, topical conversation, and non-verbal behavior training. Evident-based research was introduced at the end of the paper.高功能自閉症互動式語言社會互動主動式對談語言行為Students with high-functioning autismIntra-verbalSocial interactionSocial languageTopical conversation從Skinner的互動式語言談高功能自閉症學生社會互動語言之教導The Impacts of Skinner's Intra-verbal Behavior on Teaching Students with High-Functioning Autism