宋修德Sung, Hsiu-Te呂威瑩Leu, Wei-Ying2023-12-089999-12-312023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/71a0fa07ac59ef4cc841fbac667ea1b1/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120801本研究旨在探討大學視覺傳達設計學系專題製作課程中,社群互動對創造力之影響,並將心流經驗作為社群互動與創造力之間的中介變項,以瞭解具有不同程度之社群互動的學生,在心流經驗的影響下,是否產生不同的創造力,將合作學習視為社群互動與心流經驗之間的調節變項,以釐清不同程度之社群互動學生,在具有合作學習的情況下,是否會影響心流經驗的產生,進而影響創造力,最後,並建構大學視覺傳達設計專題製作課程社群互動、合作學習、心流經驗及學生創造力之模型關係。本研究以大學視覺傳達設計學系專題製作課程學生為研究對象,採用普查方式進行問卷調查,以瞭解學生在社群互動、合作學習、心流經驗與創造力的現況,進而探討這些變項之關聯性,回收有效問卷共計628份,以SPSS統計軟體進行描述性分析、單一樣本t檢定、階層多元迴歸、結構方程模式,以了解學生背景變項、社群互動、合作學習及心流經驗對學生創造力之影響,並以AMOS統計軟體檢驗四者間之直接關係及間接關係。研究結果顯示,專題主要討論形式可以預測學生創造力;社群互動對心流經驗及創造力具有正向預測性;合作學習及心流經驗對學生創造力具有正向預測性;社群互動透過心流經驗,對學生創造力產生正向影響,心流經驗在社群互動及創造力之間具有完全中介效果;而合作學習在社群互動及心流經驗之間,具有顯著的調節作用。This study aimed to explore the influence of community interaction on creativity in the special production course of the Department of Visual Communication Design of the University, and use flow experience as a mediating variable between community interaction and creativity to understand the relationship between different degrees. Under the influence of flow experience, students with social interaction will produce different creativity. Cooperative learning is regarded as a moderating variable between social interaction and flow experience, so as to clarify the different degrees of social interaction among students. In the case of cooperative learning, will it affect the generation of flow experience, and then affect creativity? Finally, construct a model relationship among community interaction, cooperative learning, flow experience and student creativity in the special production course of visual communication design in universities.This study takes the students of the special production course of the Department of Visual Communication Design of the University as the research object, and conducts a questionnaire survey by means of a census to understand the current situation of students' interaction in the community, cooperative learning, flow experience and creativity, and then explore these variables A total of 628 valid questionnaires were recovered, and SPSS statistical software was used for descriptive analysis, single-sample t-test, hierarchical multiple regression, and structural equation model to understand student background variables, community interaction, cooperative learning, and flow experience The impact on students' creativity, and use AMOS statistical softwareto test the direct relationship and indirect relationship between the four.The research results show that the main discussion form of the topic can predict students' creativity; community interaction can positively predict flow experience and creativity; cooperative learning and flow experience can positively predict students' creativity; Flow experience has a positive impact on students' creativity, and flow experience has a complete mediating effect between community interaction and creativity; while cooperative learning has a significant moderating effect between community interaction and flow experience.專題製作課程社群互動合作學習心流經驗創造力Special production courseCommunity interactionCooperative learningFlow experienceCreativity社群互動、合作學習及心流經驗對創造力之影響-以大學視覺傳達設計專題製作課程為例The Influence of Community Interaction, Cooperative Learning and Flow Experience on Creativity-Taking the Special Production Course of Visual Communication Design in Universities as an Exampleetd