田秀蘭紀妮玓Chi, Ni-Ti2019-08-282019-7-92019-08-282014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699010195%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91057本研究目的在探討不同背景變項之國中生在同儕關係、師生關係、情緒智力與霸凌行為間之差異與相關情形,並建構國中生霸凌行為之因果模式,驗證模式與研究資料的適配性。研究採用問卷調查法,針對新北市、台北市 8 所國中、36 個班級的學生,進行「同儕關係量表」、「師生關係量表」、「青少年情緒智力量表」、「學生霸凌行為量表」四份測量工具的實施。填答有效問卷的研究參與者共 894 人,其中男性 435 人,女性 459 人,國中七年級至九年級。問卷調查所得資料以描述統計、單因子多變量變異數分析、積差相關、線性結構方程模式等方法進行處理。研究結果如下: 一、國中生整體同儕關係部分,女性在「友誼」分量表顯著高於男性;七年級國中生整體顯著高於八年級或九年級;低家庭社經地位國中生在「社交焦慮」分量表顯著低於中家庭社經地位與高家庭社經地位國中生。 二、七年級國中生在整體師生關係上顯著高於八年級、九年級國中生。 三、國中生整體情緒智力在性別、年級、家庭社經地位等背景變項之差異達統計上的顯著意義。女性在「了解自身的情緒」與「經營人際關係」表現顯著高於男性;七年級國中生在「經營人際關係」表現顯著高於八年級。 四、國中生整體霸凌行為在性別與年級背景變項之差異達統計上的顯著意義。男性整體霸凌行為顯著高於女性;九年級國中生整體霸凌行為顯著高於七年級。 五、情緒智力、同儕關係、師生關係與霸凌行為因果模式從本研究資料獲得部分支持。其中情緒智力與同儕關係、情緒智力與師生關係、師生關係與霸凌行為皆有直接因果關係存在。此外情緒智力亦透過師生關係間接影響霸凌行為。 最後,本研究根據上述結果進行討論,並提出針對國中生反霸凌行為輔導工作以及未來研究等相關具體建議。The purpose of the study was to explore the differences and correlations among peer relationship, teacher-student relationship, emotional intelligence, and bully behavior in junior high school students under demographic backgrounds. In addition, the study aimd to construct a bully behavior model and to validate the appropriateness of the model applying to junior high school students in Taiwan. Participants were 894 junior high school students (Male=435; Female=459) from 8 schools in Taiwan, grade 7 to 9. They completed the Peer Relationship Scale, Teacher-Student Relationships Scale, Inventory of Adolescent Emotional Intelligence, and Bullying Behavior Scale. Data collected was analyzed by MANOVA and SEM. The conclusions of this study showed that: 1. There were significant differences in junior high school students’peer relationships in different genders, grades, and SES. 2. There were significant differences in junior high students’ teacher-student relationships in different grades. 3. There were significant differences in junior high students’ emotional intelligence in different genders, grades, and SES. 4. There were significant differences in junior high students’ bully behavior in different genders and grades. 5. The model proposed to describe the causal relationship among emotional intelligence, teacher-student relationship and bully behavior was completely supported by the data in this study. Findings in this study were discussed and implications for practice and further research were provided.同儕關係師生關係情緒智力學生霸凌行為peer-relationshipteacher-student relationshipemotional intelligencebully behavior國中生同儕關係、師生關係、情緒智力與校園霸凌行為相關研究The Relationship among Peer Relationship, Teacher-Student Relationship, Emotional Intelligence, and Bully Behavior in Junior High School Students.