國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系陳健文2016-01-122016-01-122011/08-20http://grbsearch.stpi.narl.org.tw/GRB_Search/grb/show_doc.jsp?id=2326726http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/76785本計畫主要從事早期中國與古代內陸歐亞游牧民族之間的互動接觸研究,而計畫以 專書的方式來呈現研究成果。內陸歐亞地區的草原游牧文明與早期中國之間的互動關 係,是東西方學術界長期所關注的議題。以往早期的研究多透過語言學的手段來探索此 議題,本計畫則擬透過考古文物的圖像比較,佐以歷史文獻之分析,希望能結合考古與 文獻對此議題提供新證據與新觀點。本專書寫作之內容主要包含以下三部分:(一)阿 爾泰游牧藝術在早期中國之流布;(二)從文面圖像來看內亞早期游牧民族的東進問題; (三)從文獻追索內亞游牧民族與中國的早期接觸。希望能從考古圖像的證據入手,來 釐清中國與內亞早期游牧民(如塞種等伊朗系高加索種民族)的接觸與文化互動問題。 此為中國古代文明與周邊文明接觸交往的一個重要面向,非常值得學界投入更多的研究 與關注。This project focuses on the interactions between early China and ancient Eurasian nomads. The project intends to compare the images of archaeological artifacts, combined with the analysis of historical literature, hoping to combine archeology and literature, provide new evidence on this topic and new ideas. Writing this book mainly consists of the following parts: 1. Altai nomadic art in the early spread of China; 2. From the point of view facial marks to explore the eastward expansion of early Eurasian nomads; 3. Through the research literature to explore the Eurasian nomads contact with early China. Hoping through archaeological evidence, to clarify the contacts between early China and the Eurasian nomads (such as Saka) and the relating interaction issues.內陸亞洲巴澤雷克墓地文面印度--伊朗人斯基泰人塞種戎狄中國與內亞游牧民族的早期接觸—從考古圖像與文獻的綜合考察Central Asia Nomads and Early China——A Survey from Archaeological Images and Historical Literature