洪醒漢 2014-10-272014-10-272007-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/23912空間性形塑的過程是近代人文地理學研究的主要課題之一。其探討的重點是自然的空間(natural space)如何透過人文活動的詮釋,逐漸彰顯出人文主義地理學者所討論的地方性(placeness)內涵。儘管都市的景觀是多元且豐富的,但現代都市 所展現出來的空間多元性容易使都市人產生倦怠(blasé attitude),僅僅注意到炫麗的景觀而忽略了空間背後的內涵,因此必須透過研究者對於空間進行更有意義的詮釋,才能兩景觀作出更完整與更有深度的解 讀。本文的問題意譩即企圖透過景觀詮釋與空間批判的觀點,說明臺北市的都市空間性的型塑過程並不僅僅是回應一種現代性(modernity)的進步觀點或 是在發展主義下經濟成長過程中所生產出來的結果。透過獨特的歷史脈絡、政治經濟與社會等因素的交錯影響,都市的空間變革不僅是一種空間的生產,都市中生產 出獨特的空間屬性與豐富的空間意涵,同時也是社會關係再生產(reproduction)的基礎。 中華路在清領時期大約與臺北府城西門城垣與城牆的範圍相符。日本殖民之後於1904年將臺北府城牆拆除,並於城牆原址改建為四條三線道路,同時西門城外也 出現公關與官方建立的傳統市場。國民政府撤退來臺後,沿著中華路鐵路旁搭建許多臨時居住的用的棚戶供軍民暫時使用。1960年代時,政府拆除了原本搭建的 違章建築,在原址興建了中華商場。經過30多年的繁華,為了配合鐵路地下化、捷運興建與都市更新等等措施,中華商場被拆除,一個許多老臺北的集體記憶消 逝,代之而起的一條被想像成巴黎香謝大道的筆直道路展現在市民面前。以臺北市中華路作為個案分析,正好可以呼應本文的論點,一條象徵現代性進步的道路空 間,其中空間的內涵不僅僅是一種現代性進步意義的回應,還有更多豐富的時空意義值得探索。One of the main issues of modern human geography is to discuss the process of spatial transformation and to explore how, through the interpretation of the humanities, the natural space presented its significance of the placeness. Although the landscapes of the city were aplenty and abundant, such diversity would easily make people form a blasé attitude and ignore the meanings hidden behind. Taking the spatial critical point, this essay tried to explain that the transformation of the urban space didn’t simply respond to the progress viewpoint of the modernity, nor was it just the consequence of the economical development. With regard to the correlation among the historical context, political economy, and the social factors, the transformation of the urban space was not only the production of the space, but the reproduction of the social relationships. Following the critical perspective, this essay tended to focus on the discussion of the Zhonghua Road. In the Chin-dynasty, this road corresponded with the city wall, which was closed space. After the regime shifted to the Japanese, to fulfill the exercise of power into a transparent space, it was necessary to demolish the wall; hence, a broad, straight, and modern road appeared in the Taipei City. After 1949, a number of refugees from mainland china needed the transit camps in Taipei after the war. Thus, at that time, along the railway in the Zhonghua Road appeared many temporary shelters for squatters. After a decade or so, the disorder of the space was noticed by the authority concerned; hence in order to solve the problem, the spatial transformation was made by the rehabilitation of the Zhonghua Bazaar in the same space, which turned out to be the most prosperous place in Taipei in the 1980s. As time went by, the renovation of the city was probably necessary for the growth of the population and the traffic. Under such viewpoint, an imaginary, aesthetic, and leafy shade road was built to cater for the modern planning空間的生產中華路空間批判觀點Production of spaceZhonghua roadSpatial critical point臺北都市空間性的遞嬗The Transformation of Spatiality in Taipei: A Case Study on Zhonghua Road