王天苗 博士張媛婷2019-08-282007-7-272019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0693090064%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91801本研究採用質性研究法,深入探究三位新移民母親參與身心障礙子女教育的狀況。資料蒐集為期六個月,透過訪談、觀察和收集相關文件等方式,與二十六位研究參與者互動而獲得。 經過資料的蒐集、分析與詮釋,先呈現三個身心障礙學童和他們新移民媽媽的故事,再進一步提出核心的議題。研究的主要發現如下: 一、新移民媽媽教養子女的能力備受教師和她們自己質疑。 二、新移民媽媽們真的很用心在教養子女,但是大家好像看不見她們在教養上的努力。 三、也由於新移民媽媽對自己教養子女能力的質疑,因此對專業她們也絕對的信任與服從。 四、新移民媽媽積極參與子女學校活動,但限於語言、文字、親師關係或有限話題等因素,難以真正融入。 五、家人或教師的支持,讓新移民媽媽在教養子女的路上,獲得成長的力量。 整體而言,新移民媽媽重視孩子的教育,積極參與子女教育,配合老師的要求,並從參與子女教育的歷程中獲得教養子女的知能,但她們教養子女的努力卻不被看見,也難真正融入參與的活動中。在這樣充滿挫折的教養旅程中,惟有家人或教師的支持,才能讓她們獲得成長的力量。The study is about how three new emigrant mothers to participate in education of their children with special needs. The data was collected within six months through participation observation、interview and associated documents. The stories of three children with special needs and their new emigrant mothers were first described. Then five core themes were synthesized: (1) Their ability of bringing up child is fully queried by teachers and themselves. (2) They really work hard to educate their child with special needs, but everyone seems to ignore their efforts. (3) Because of querying themselves ability, three mothers tend to trust and obey professionals absolutely. (4) They actively participate in school activities, but have difficulty to real integrate into, because of their limited language, writing, topic, or relationship with teacher, etc. (5) If there’re support from family and teacher, they’ll acquire the strength of growth. In short, the new emigrant mothers value their child's education, actively participate in child’s education, follow up teachers' suggestion, and acquire a lot of knowledge of how to bring up their child. However, their efforts are ignored and they have difficulty to integrating in school activities. Although life is full of frustrations, the support from family and teacher can give them the strength of growth.新移民女性家長參與身心障礙兒童the new emigrant motherparent participationchildren with special needs三位新移民母親參與身心障礙子女教育之研究How do three new emigrant mothers educate their children with special needs?