胡茹萍Hu, Ru-Ping吳安迪Wu, An-Di2023-12-082023-08-042023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/8154485d80ead1e53b8a7f1b5dc47f49/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120767本研究旨在探討臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師能源素養及能源議題融入教學意願之現況。藉由教師能源素養及能源議題融入教學意願調查結果之分析,瞭解身為技術型高級中等學校教師,其能源認知、態度及行為,對能源議題融入教學之意願。透過調查法之問卷調查,以臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師為調查對象,正式問卷調查回收311份,有效問卷計311份,有效問卷回收率達100%。根據研究結果及綜合討論,本研究之結論有以下四點:一、臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師能源素養及能源議題融入教學意願之整體表現中上。二、教學年資15年以上之臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師其能源素養高於未滿5年之教師。三、不同背景變項之技術型高級中等學校教師能源議題融入教學意願具有差異。四、能源素養愈好之臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師,其能源議題融入教學意願愈高。綜合研究結論,本研究針對未來技術型高級中等學校能源教育之規劃,提出具體建議如下:一、加強臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師對能源發展主題之認知。二、建立技術型高級中等學校能源教育輔導計畫,提供教師教學輔助資源。三、精進臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師能源培育機制。四、鼓勵臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師與學生參加能源教育相關活動。五、臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師間跨群科合作或引進能源業師,協同教學。六、未來學術研究建議邀集專家學者與技術型高級中等學校教師一同建立能源教育指標,以及對教育局(處)能源教育推廣政策評析之研究。This study aimed to investigate the current status of energy literacy among teachers in Taipei vocational senior high school and their teaching willingness of energy issues integrate into instruction. By analyzing the results of the survey on teachers' energy literacy and their willingness of integrate energy issues, the study aimed to understand the energy cognitive, attitudes, and behaviors of teachers in vocational senior high schools and their willingness to incorporate energy issues into their teaching. A questionnaire survey was conducted among teachers in Taipei vocational senior high schools, and a total of 311 formal questionnaires were collected, all of which were deemed valid, resulting in a 100% valid response rate. According tothe research results and comprehensive conclusions, the conclusions of this research are as follows:1.The overall performance of Taipei vocational senior high school teacher's energy literacy and teaching willingness of energy issues integrated into instruction is above average. 2.Teachers with over 15 years of teaching experience in Taipei vocational senior high schools exhibited higher levels of energy literacy compared to those with less than 5 years of experience. 3.There are differences in the willingness of Taipei vocational senior high school teachers to integrate energy issues into teaching based on different background variables. 4.Teachers with higher levels of energy literacy in Taipei vocational senior high schools exhibited higher willingness to integrate energy issues into their teaching.Based on the comprehensive research conclusions, the study provides the following specific recommendations for the future planning of energy issues in vocational senior high schools:1.Strengthen teachers' understanding of energy development topic in Taipei vocational senior high schools. 2.Establish a guidance program for energy issues in vocational senior high schools in Taipei to provide teachers with teaching resources and support. 3.Improve the mechanisms for cultivating energy literacy among teachers in Taipei vocational senior high schools. 4.Encourage teachers and students in Taipei vocational senior high schools to participate in energy issues-related activities. 5.Promote cross-disciplinary collaboration among teachers in Taipei vocational senior high schools or introduce industry professionals to engage in co-teaching related to energy issues.6.Proposal for future academic research inviting experts, scholars, and vocational senior high school teachers to collaborate in establishing energy education indicators and conducting analysis of the energy education promotion policies of the education department, city government.技術型高級中等學校教師能源素養能源教育議題融入教學意願Vocational senior high school teachersenergy literacyenergy educationintegration of issuesteaching willingness臺北市技術型高級中等學校教師能源素養及能源議題融入教學意願研究A Study of Taipei Vocational Senior High School Teacher's Energy Literacy and Their Teaching Willingness for Energy Issues Integrated into Instructionetd