鄔佩麗 博士PEI-LI WU程秋楨Chiu-Chen Cheng2019-08-282009-12-162019-08-282009http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694010396%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90918本研究目的在於瞭解成年女性在大學修業期間懷孕/生產的生活經驗及其因應歷程,希望藉由研究結果瞭解成年女性在大學修業期間因應懷孕/生產事件所帶來的影響,並找出她們的社會支持程度及其主觀的個人需求,以提供社會人士、政府部門、教育單位及助人專業工作者參考之。 本研究採質性研究取向的敘說研究法進行資料蒐集與分析之歷程。研究者以半結構式的訪談大綱對五位研究參與者進行訪談,以蒐集成年女性在大學修業期間歷經懷孕/生產之生活經驗的自我敘說,訪談內容經整理為逐字稿之後,以敘說分析方法中的「整體-內容」型式進行資料的分析,最後撰寫五位研究參與者在大學修業期間對懷孕/生產之經驗的生命故事。 本研究發現在大學修業期間,懷孕/生產事件對成年女性的影響如下: 一、教育生涯之發展受到阻礙,並使其調整未來之生涯發展目標。 二、由於多重生活角色使女性感到時間分配上之困擾,而被迫調整生活作息 與學習方式。 三、在學習環境中,同儕的態度會影響女性之適應;而同儕成員的改變,使 女性感到壓力並使其調整與同儕的互動模式。 四、與家人的關係轉變,家人提供女性支持但也使其感到壓力。 五、女性發現自己個性上的改變,並對改變賦予正向意義。 本研究針對上述的研究結果作進一步的討論,並針對政府部門及相關人員提出建議。最後依據研究過程與結果發現,對未來之研究方向提出建議。 關鍵字:成年女性、懷孕學生、因應The purpose of this study is to understand the living experiences and coping behaviors with pregnancy for female students while studying in college. Based on the narrative research methods, the writer has interviewed five participants by a semi-structural questionnaire. The participants stated and described their pregnant experiences while pursuing their academic goal in college. The result is derived from the view of "Holistic-Content" analysis to treat the data. The influences of the pregnant experiences and the impacts on women students are as follow: 1.Pregnant women students’ further professional education is interrupted and their professional goal needs adjusting. 2.The disturbance in time arrangement forces the pregnant students to adjust their schedule to cope with their multiple roles. 3. The change in attitude from associates influences the pregnant students’ adjustment as well as the change of the associate members prompts pressure and forces the pregnant students to adjust their interactive patterns. 4.The relationship of the pregnant women students and their family members transforms for the formers to obtain both support and pressure. 5. Pregnant women students perceived self-change and self-affirmation. This study goes beyond the above results to provide suggestions to the government, schools, counselors, as well as all the females. Lastly, based on what have been learned from this research, a few suggestions are also made for future researches. Keywords: adult women, pregnant students, and coping成年女性懷孕學生因應adult womenpregnant studentscoping成年女性在大學修業期間懷孕/生產的經驗與因應之研究Coping Behaviors with Pregnancy for Female Students While Studying in College