陳昭儀Chao-Yi, Chen洪楙彧Hung Maw-Yuh2019-08-282010-2-222019-08-282010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0095902114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88876金門地區文化創意產業發展之研究 摘 要 隨著全球化浪潮所帶來的市場高度競爭,促使世界各國相繼把經濟開發的重心,建立在以文化為核心的產業,進而掀起一股以知識經濟為本的文化創意產業熱潮。行政院正式將「文化創意產業」列為「挑戰2008:國家重點發展計畫」政策中,期望將原有的「文化產業」加入創意元素,帶動地方經濟的發展。 本研究透過質性研究方式,與研究參與者進行深度訪談,並以創造力相關理論,探討金門地區文化創意產業之發展,研究目的如下:一、探討金門地區文化產業中創意產品之展現;二、探究金門地區發展文化創意產業之影響因素;三、探究金門地區發展文化創意產業之可行性。 本研究主要結論如下:一、金門文化產業中創意產品之展現:(一)藝文素養與環境有待提升;(二)文化創意產品以文化為底蘊,以新穎、適當為判準;(三)面對威脅,文化產業之經營型態也必須跟著調整。二、金門發展文化創意產業之影響因素有:(一)歷史背景:屬於弱勢族群;(二)政經結構:缺乏共創雙贏的兩岸政策;(三)地方認同感:未來發展定位缺乏共識;(四)人口結構:外來人口遽增,人口嚴重老化;(五)對外交通建設:成本太高,缺乏人流;(六)學校教育:缺少創意美學與創造力教學環境;(七)工作環境:缺乏工作動機與尊重專業,信心不足、缺乏輔導機制;(八)組織文化:官僚作風與防禦心態,選舉文化敗壞。三、金門發展文化創意產業之可行性:(一)人格特質、內在動機、學門接受度會影響個人的創意表現;(二)確實可以從金門文化四大領域中找到許多創意的元素;(三)領域中各學門是發展文化創意產業的重要推手;(四)應積極爭取附加價值高的產業,列入文化創意產業發展之中。A Study of Cultural and Creative Industry’s Development on Kinmen District Abstract Due to the competition of globalization in business, countries in the world focused their economical development on culture industry and raised a wave of cultural and creative industry(CCI)development, based on knowledge-economy. Our government officially placed CCI into “A challenge in 2008---A key program of national development” policy, hoping to stimulate our local economic development by adding creativity element into original “culture industry”. Through the qualitative research, this study used in-depth interviews and creativity’s theories to explore the development of CCI on Kinmen district. The purposes of this study are as follows: 1. To investigate the creativity elements of culture industry’s products. 2. To research the factors that affect the CCI development. 3. To explore the possibility of CCI development on Kinmen district. Some conclusions are made as follows: First, the creativity elements of culture industry’s products on Kinmen district are followings: 1. The arts and literature ability and environment must be promoted. 2. The creativity elements of cultural industry’s products are based on local culture and judged by novelty and appropriateness. 3. For the threat, the management of cultural industry must be adjusted. Secondly, the factors that affect the CCI development on Kinmen district are followings:: 1. History: Belonging to the weak part of four-tribal population. 2. Politics and economy: Lacking a two-win policy in both China. 3. The sense of identity: lacking a common view for Kinmen’s development in the future. 4. Population: The non-native population increases suddenly and native population is getting aging seriously. 5. Transport system: The cost of transport is high and people are less. 6. Edition: Lacking a good environment for esthetics and creativity teaching. 7. Work environment: Lacking a motive for work and less respect for specialty, as well as less confidence and lacking of counseling mechanism in investment. 8. Organizational culture: The attitude of bureaucrat, self-defense and elective bribery can be found in our public official system. Third, the possibility of CCI development on Kinmen district are followings: 1. A person’s creativity will be affected by individual personality, internal motive and the acceptability of fields. 2. It is true that many creativity elements can be found in Kinmen’s four culture domains. 3. The development of CCI’s motive comes from the cooperation among fields. 4. Our local governor should strive positively for bringing high value industries into the development of CCI .文化創意產業金門地區創造力戰地文化cultural and creative industryKinmen districtCreativitybattlefield culture金門地區文化創意產業發展之研究A Study of Cultural and Creative Industry’s Development on Kinmen District