何榮桂廖偉良2019-09-052004-7-282019-09-052004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000185%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/106951同儕評量是一種有別於傳統的變通性評量(alternative assessment),也即使 一群知識成熟度與學習背景類似的學生,彼此相互評量學習成果,並相互給予回 饋。藉同儕評量的過程來提高學生高層次的思考及學習動機,是許多學科領域中 常廣泛應用的學習策略,對學生的學習成就與學習態度皆有正向的影響。 隨著電腦與網路技術的快速發展,資料的處理、呈現及互動更具即時性,同 儕評量的實施方式也有所改進,從紙筆式同儕評量演變為線上同儕評量。早期以 電腦與網路技術做為同儕評量工具的研究中,對於學習成果呈現與同儕回饋各有 其不同的處理方式,如使用電子試算表軟體透過email 方式實施,或利用全球資 訊網做為展示學習成果的平台,並透過email 來傳遞同儕回饋。演變至今,線上 同儕評量系統皆已將學習成果呈現與同儕回饋整合至全球資訊網平台上。檢討分 析國內外現有線上同儕評量系統之研究,實施過程方面,尚有若干問題有待解 決,例如,1、適當的評審者分配方式,2、雙向的評審者與受評者溝通管道,3、 本研究將針對上述的幾項限制,提出相關策略及實施流程規劃設計,以突顯 同儕評量的設計理念,使參與學生透過本研究所設計的線上同儕評量系統,充分 達到反省思考與批判溝通的目的。對於評審結果公正性及客觀性的問題,本研究 也提出相關預防及檢查策略,藉此減少評審評分偏誤的情形發生。Peer assessment, an alternative assessment different from traditional ones, has been widely used in various fields recently. By having students with similar learning background and mature sense of knowledge resulting in assessing each other and providing with feedback, peer assessment can promote both students' high-level thinking skills and their learning motivation. With the rapid development of computer and network, it is possible to process and present data instantly; moreover, it is also possible to implement peer assessment on web-based platform instead of by paper and pencil. In the early stage of using computer and network technology as an instrument of peer assessment, there were divergent approaches in appraising learner’s presentation and demonstrating feedback on the Internet, for example using excel through email or demonstrating learning outcomes through the web-based platform. At the present time, the peer assessment system has combined learning presentation with demonstrating feedback firmly. Research about web-based peer assessment system suggests that there are several implementation problems requiring to be solved. First, there is no adequate solution to dispatch reviewers. Second, two-way communication between reviewers and authors is necessitated. Third, checking grading bias is vital. The aim of this study was threefold: to solve problems described above, to address the importance of the design of peer evaluation, and finally, to provide preventing and checking strategies to reduce the grading bias and make the evaluationas just and objective as possible.網路技術變通性評量同儕評量線上同儕評量評分偏誤檢查Network technologyAlternative assessmentPeer evaluationPeer assessmentPeer Assessment on lineChecking grading bias線上同儕評量系統之設計與研究Design and Study of a Network-Based PeerAssessment System