謝建成陳淑娟Shu Chuan Chen2019-08-292008-2-192019-08-292007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0592021009%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92362論文名稱:大學圖書館個人化服務之隱私權問題探討 研究生:陳淑娟 指導教授:謝建成博士 中文摘要 美國圖書館與資訊技術協會(Library and Information Technology Association, LITA)在1999年提出「個人化服務」(Personalized Information Service)是圖書館網站未來發展的重要趨勢(LITA Top Tech Trend),其意義是由使用者依據個人的需求過濾和檢索資訊,讓圖書館系統主動提供使用者有興趣之研究主題或資訊,提升讀者使用圖書館的效率。 圖書館的個人化服務必須透過分析讀者個人資料始能進行,要運用讀者姓名、借閱記錄等個人資料,將牽涉到讀者個人資料的隱私權問題,本研究透過訪談整理交通大學與大葉大學圖書館的個人化服務功能後,以我國電腦處理個人資料保護法與本法之制定法源─經濟合作發展組織OECD的個人資料保護八大原則(蒐集限制、資料品質、特定目的、使用限制、安全保護、公開、個人參與、責任原則),將大學圖書館個人化服務分為以下六個隱私權探討主題:1.讀者個人資料的取得 2.讀者個人資料的利用與處理 3.讀者個人資料的正確與更新 4.讀者個人資料的安全保護 5.讀者興趣檔的建置與使用6.隱私權政策,研究結果得出大學圖書館個人化服務目前的做法的確已侵害讀者的隱私權,圖書館管理面可以透過隱私權政策的制定、取得資料被蒐集者的書面同意、設置解決隱私權爭議的有效管道,以及減少人工處理個人資料等方式,加強對讀者隱私權保護,讓資訊的蒐集者(圖書館)與被蒐集者(圖書館使用者)間取得平衡,作為大學圖書館提供個人化服務時的參考。 關鍵詞:個人化服務、隱私權、大學圖書館Abstract At 1999, the Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) advanced the Personalized Information Service (PIS) is the important trend for the future development of library website; which means that the users can filter and search information basis of their request, and let the library system can offer the research subjects or information which appeal to the users forwardly, and move up the using efficiency of the library. However the PIS will cause the privacy problem for the personal information of readers. Because the operation of PIS has to analyze the reader’s personal information such as name, borrowing records etc. After the interview of Chiao Tung University library and Da Yeh University library, the research here has arranged the functions of Personalized Information Service (PIS, which is called My Library in Da Yeh Uni.) of the National Chiao Tung University Library and Da Yeh University Library and in accordance with the R.O.C Computer Process Personal Data Protection Act as well as the original law – The OECD(Organization for Economic Cooperation Development) Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flow of Personal Data (Collection Limitation Principle, Data Quality Principle, Purpose Specification Principle, Use Limitation Principle, Security Safeguards Principle, Openness Principle, Individual Participation Principle, Accountability Principle). Thus we divide the PIS of university library into six subjects to discuss privacy problems which as blow:1.The obtain of reader’s personal data 2.The use and process of reader’s personal data 3.The accuracy and update of reader’s personal data 4.The security safeguards of reader’s personal data 5.The use and establishment of user profile 6.The privacy policy. The results indicate that the PIS of university library did invade reader’s privacy. Therefore the management of library should enhance the protection of reader’s privacy through the constitution of privacy policy, the reader’s written agreement for acquired data, setting up effective way to solve the controversy of privacy, and reducing data processing by hand, to balance the information with gatherer (library) and giver (reader); and to be the reference for university library when offering personalized information service. Keywords: Personalized Information Service, Privacy, University Library個人化服務隱私權大學圖書館Personalized Information ServicePrivacyUniversity Library大學圖書館個人化服務之隱私權問題探討The discuss of privacy problems for the personalized information service of university library