張萬烽吳裕益陳靜江Wan-Feng ChangYuh-Yih WuChing-Chiang Chen2019-08-122019-08-122014-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80725本研究以世界衛生組織所發展之「國際健康功能與身心障礙分類系統-兒童與青少年版」(ICF-CY)為架構,編製「青少年智能障礙學生活動與參與量表」,以12到18歲智能障礙學生為評量對象,除考驗量表各種信、效度外,亦建立常模,以供智能障礙學生鑑定與教學之用。研究者先編輯量表,再透過學者專家進行檢核,並以AiKen內容效度係數進行題目篩選,形成276題預試題目。在預試工作上,以分層叢集抽樣,針對高雄市390位國中和高中階段智能障礙學生進行評定,回收問卷後,以試題反應理論中的單參數Rasch模式進行分析,在刪除兩題適配度欠佳的題目後,再以全國中等教育階段智能障礙和一般學生為對象,進行分層叢集抽樣,分別回收1,686份和1,676份問卷。在信度方面,蒐集包括重測信度、評分者一致性信度和內部一致性等,重測信度在.84~.95間,評分者一致性則為.66~.84,內部一致性則介為.79~.98;而效度證據方面,則包括內容效度、效標效度和建構效度等三種,經分析發現,本研究具有良好信、效度證據,且在潛在構念上為一個因素,並依據樣本建立常模,同時利用ROC曲線,進行智能障礙學生切截標準之訂定。此外,透過t檢定和單因子變異數分析發現,本研究可以有效區辨不同能力的智能障礙學生。本研究根據研究結果與結論提出幾點建議,作為未來研究和實務上之參考。Purpose: This study involved compiling an activity and participation scale (APS) for students with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 12 and 18 years and assessing these students. The scale is based on the activity and participation dimension derived from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health for Children and Youth developed by the World Health Organization. Furthermore, the study involved testing the reliability and validity of the scale and establishing a norm for its use in identifying and teaching students with intellectual disabilities. Finally, a factor analysis was conducted to explore the theoretical framework of the activity and participation dimension. Methods: Initially, a questionnaire was compiled. Thirteen scholars and experts assessed the questionnaire, and an Aiken content validity coefficient was used to modify specific questions. Subsequently, a pretest questionnaire comprising 276 questions was developed. In the pretrial stage, 390 junior and senior high school students from Kaohsiung, Taiwan with intellectual disabilities were assessed conducted. The Rasch model was applied to the pretest questionnaires to examine the psychometric properties of the APS; two questions exhibiting an inadequate fit were deleted. A formal questionnaire was established and administered to students with intellectual disabilities and students without intellectual disabilities at a junior and senior high school in Taiwan. According to various statistical analyses, the questionnaire exhibited adequate reliability and validity. Results/Findings: The reliability, including test-retest reliability (r=.84-.95) and rater consistency reliability (r=.66-.84), was acceptable. The internal consistency (α=.79-.98) was considerably high. The content validity, criterion-related validity, and construct validity were tested. The concurrent validity was satisfactory in two criterion-referenced tests (revision of the Chinese Adaptive Behavior活動與參與智能障礙適應行為ICF-CYInternational Classification of FunctioningDisabilityand Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY)activity & participationintellectual disabilitiesadaptive behavior青少年智能障礙學生活動與參與量表之發展Development of the Activity and Participation Scale for Young Students with Intellectual Disabilities