陳昭珍蔡秀琴2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092023201%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92199本研究旨在探討藝術領域學生之資訊需求及資訊尋求行為,以臺灣藝術大學學生為研究對象,研究目的包括:探討藝術領域學生資訊需求及分析他們之需求;歸納藝術領域學生之資訊型態與資訊來源;及分析他們的資訊使用;最後並歸納他們的資訊行為互動模式。 本研究採用量化研究方法,首先運用國內外文獻分析,回顧相關資訊行為相關理論,並且探討人文與藝術領域使用者資訊行為相關研究,以及本土人文與藝術領域使用者資訊行為研究,深入瞭解現存相關理論與研究,建立本研究之研究方向與研究價值。接著,採用問卷法,抽樣調查四所美術、設計、表演、傳播學院學生為主,並運用統計軟體分析、進行編碼與資料分析,探討學生的資訊需求、資訊尋求、資料型態與資訊來源、資訊使用等面向,並歸納出其資訊行為歷程,以及所面臨之資訊尋求時的困難與問題。 研究結果有下列幾點:(一)資訊需求:藝術領域學生之資訊需求是為了特定目的,而且也是為了從事藝術工作時準備必需的資訊與收集資訊,並且解決課業的問題;(二)資訊尋求:自行瀏覽翻閱及查找圖書資訊。他們經常駐足書庫,尋求資訊的管道來源多元化;(三)資訊使用:藝術資源的類型廣泛且活潑多元,靜態與動態資源並重。網際網路已成為蒐集資訊與人際溝通的重要工具,藝術領域者經常藉此工具,造訪各類網站,搜尋資訊。蒐集資訊並不受限於時、地;他們在資訊使用上呈現不同的差異。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議:一、結合藝術領域校院,合力建置豐富且新穎性高的核心藝術館藏發揮館藏特色,因應資訊時代,以滿足學生多元化的資訊需求,進而提供個人化服務。二、推廣及行銷「圖書館利用教育」,激發潛在讀者的利用,培養藝術領域學生的資訊素養。三、充實館員學科背景,成為學科專家,提供更優質的服務。四、加強與藝術領域族群的互動融入其生活情境。Research on the Information need and Information seeking behavior of arts students –This research probes into the problem of students of the Taiwan university of arts what their Information need and how the process about their information seeking to use the arts resources and to provide universities of arts library to map out the library activities in the future. This study adopts questionnaire methods.A questionnaire measures students of the university of arts about their usage of arts resources. Statistical treatment,includes item analysis,descriptive statistical,frequency and percent ,and other statistical methods. The following conclusions were supported by the data, 1.The purpose of most students took part in use the internetsearch engines to find their information and fulfill to find their special needs.,like as their homework.and something their projects..They just to search them for convenient,and fast enough. 2.Most students always use website information,including books and periodicals,magazines,photos,images,works,videos and multimedia resources. 3.Students are aware of their information need and information seeking mostly from the recommend of teachers,friends and the peers,.by the way,they communicate interactively.As for their difference arts field background,there was easy to use library resources and to browse the arts collections,and indicated that the arts collections are not rich enough for them to read and use. 4.The students personal background,such as gender,college and school category can cause differences on a usage of arts resources .There wsa a significant difference between the using arts resources,such as internet usage experience. According to the conclusions of the study ,some recommendations are presented to university of arts libraries and follow-up researchers.資訊需求資訊尋求資訊行為藝術領域學生資訊需求及資訊尋求行為之研究--以國立臺灣藝術大學為例