常紹如Chang, Shau-Ju陳欣怡Chen, Hsin-Yi2023-12-082022-08-192023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/7cf7d003243dcf680af933d9e742945e/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/120567行政院在2018年通過國家發展委員會所提的「雙語國家政策發展藍圖」,並且以2030年為目標打造台灣成為雙語國家。伴隨著推動「強化國人英語力」、「提升國家整體競爭力」的理念,活化啟動台灣的雙語教育體制。在政策的推動下,學科內容與語言整合學習(Content and Language Integrated Learning , 簡稱CLIL)教學法逐漸受到關注,提升了學習者學習語言的效能與使用語言的更多機會,象徵著更多學習語言的可能性。本研究為質性研究,研究對象為四位已經在執行CLIL課程的國中教師。透過訪談方式,探討CLIL教師如何準備CLIL課程、CLIL課程的益處以及CLIL課程的挑戰。研究結果發現,第一,CLIL需要學科及語言教師的互相合作,但不以協同教學模式來執行。第二,CLIL提供了學生多元使用語言的機會,完善了學科本質的學習。更提升了學生的課堂學習動機與自信,強化了英語聽力與英語口說的能力。第三,CLIL非常考驗學科教師的語言能力,因此在與語言教師共備課程時很耗時。另外,因為沒有一個語言融入學科的準則依據,CLIL教師的教學進度規劃很難掌控,常常使得學生落後學習進度。最後,本文亦針對政府CLIL政策的推動與執行以及未來CLIL研究方向提出相關建議。In 2018, the Executive Yuan announced a blueprint to develop Taiwan into a bilingual nation by 2030. Along with the promotion to “improve demand-driven English proficiency among the general public” and “enhance the nation’s overall competitiveness”, Taiwan’s bilingual education is going to thrive. Meanwhile, through political promotion, CLIL has become well known. CLIL not only elevates the efficiency of learning progress but also creates more opportunities of language application. Without a doubt, CLIL symbolizes a path for more possibilities of language learning.This study was categorized as a qualitative research. Specifically, four CLIL teachers in a junior high school were the main targets in this research. Through direct interviews with the four teachers, we were able to further explore their preparations for CLIL classes and the benefits of CLIL and the challenges of CLIL. Therefore, after conducting this research, some highlights could be finalized below. First, CLIL required both subject and language teachers to work together, but not in co-teaching mode. Second, CLIL offered more opportunities for students to use language, making a sufficient content learning. Moreover, students gained more learning motivation and confidence, improving their English listening and speaking ability. Third, CLIL highly challenged instructors’ language skills, making them spend more time and efforts on preparing CLIL lessons. Without an official guideline for language integration, CLIL teachers had difficulty planning CLIL, and this often made students’ learning schedule fall behind. Lastly, this study offered junior high school teachers some practical skills to implement CLIL and also provided policy-makers with useful suggestions to accelerate CLIL implementation.雙語雙語國家學科內容與語言整合學習教學法國中bilingualbilingual nationCLILjunior high school國中教師執行CLIL課程之質性研究Tapping on Junior High School Teachers' Viewpoints About the Implementation of CLIL: A Qualitative Studyreport_pro