潘裕豐Pan, Yu-Fong呂毅明Lu, Yi-Ming2022-06-082026-10-042022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5cd5c34ec339abbf8e8c65c4b47df291/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117373本研究的目的是探究實施公開授課之中學教師創意教學自我效能感對創意教學行為影響—以內外控信念為中介變項。本研究採問卷調查法,以實施公開授課之中學教師為研究對象,回收280份有效問卷。問卷調查資料經描述統計、獨立樣本T檢定、皮爾遜績差相關、迴歸分析統計處理分析後,得到以下結論:一、參與公開授課教師的創意教學自我效能感與創意教學行為,在整體背景變項大部分具有差異,以下分別說明之:1.年齡:30歲(含)以下大於41-50歲,31-40歲大於41-50歲。2.年資:6-10年大於11-15年、16-20年與21年以上。3.職務:教師兼行政大於專任教師及導師。4.科目:綜合其他大於英文及數學自然。5.參加創意教學比賽:有參加大於沒有參加。6.是否參與公開授課:有參加大於沒有參加。7.不同公開授課模式:大觀課大於小觀課。二、參與公開授課教師偏內控信念傾向,在整體背景變項大部分並無差異,以下分別說明之:1.職務:導師大於專任教師。2.是否參與公開授課:有參加大於沒有參加。三、參與公開授課國中教師傾向內控人格特質。四、參與公開授課之中學教師創意教學自我效能感、創意教學行為與內外控信念有顯著正相關,以下分別說明之:1.年齡:30歲(含)以下大於51歲(含)以上。2.職務:教師兼行政大於導師。3.科目:綜合其他大於國文。4.參加創意教學比賽:有參加大於沒有參加。5.是否參與公開授課:有參加大於沒有參加。6.不同公開授課模式:大觀課大於小觀課。五、參與公開授課之中學教師的內外控信念於創意教學自我效能感與創意教學行為之間產生部分中介效果。六、未參與公開授課之中學教師的內外控信念於創意教學自我效能感與創意教學行為之間並無中介效果。結果表明,本研究的大部分假設都得到了分析的證實。在研究結束時討論了進一步研究的建議和局限性。以供相關權責單位、國中教師及後續研究者參考。The purpose of this study is to inquire into the Self-efficacy of Creative Teaching and the Influence of Creative Teaching Behaviors of Secondary School Teachers in the Implementation of Lesson Study - Locus of Control as a Mediating Variable.This study used questionnaire survey to collect necessary data from the secondary school teachers in the implementation of lesson study,obtained 280 valid questionnaires. The data were analyzed with Descriptive Statistics, Independent-Sample t Test, Pearson Product-moment Correlation, and Regression Analysis. The conclusions of this study were as follows:1.Secondary school teachers in the implementation of lesson study on the self-efficacy of creative teaching and creative teaching behaviors, and there was difference among their background variables. The results are as follows:(1)Age:under 30 years old (inclusive) reported significant higher scores than 41-50 years old.And 31-40 years old reported significant higher scores than 41-50 years old.(2)Job tenure:6-10 years reported significant higher scores than 11-15 years,16-20 years and more than 21 years.(3)Position:positions in educational administration reported significant higher scores than full-time teacher and homeroom teacher.(4)Teaching subjects:comprehensive other reported significant higher scores than English, Math and Natural science.(5)Participate in creative teaching competition:participants reported significant higher scores than non-participants.(6)Participate in the lesson study:participants reported significant higher scores than non-participants.(7)Different lesson study modes: lesson study of big model reported significant higher scores than lesson study of normal model.2.Secondary school teachers in the implementation of Lesson Study classified as internal locus of control, and there was mostly no difference among their background variables.(1)Position:homeroom teacher reported significant higher scores than full-time teacher.(2)Participate in the lesson study:participants reported significant higher scores than Non-participants.3.Secondary school teachers of In the implementation lesson study tend to internal locus of control.4.There was significant positive correlation on secondary school teachers in the implementation of Lesson Study of the self-efficacy of creative teaching, creative teaching behaviors and locus of control.(1)Age:under 30 years old (inclusive) reported significant higher scores than 51 years old (inclusive) and above.(2)Position:positions in educational administration reported significant higher scores than homeroom teacher.(3)Teaching subjects:Comprehensive other reported significant higher scores than Chinese.(4)Participate in creative teaching competition:participants reported significant higher scores than non-participants.(5)Participate in the lesson study:participants reported significant higher scores than non-participants.(6)Different lesson study modes:lesson study of big model reported significant higher scores than lesson study of normal model.5.Secondary School Teachers in the Implementation of Lesson Study of the locus of control partial mediated between self-efficacy of creative teaching and creative teaching behaviors.6.Secondary School Teachers in the no Implementation of Lesson Study of the locus of control no mediated between self-efficacy of creative teaching and creative teaching behaviors.Results show that most of the hypotheses of this present study were confirmed by the analysis. Suggestions for further study and limitations were discussed at the end of the study.For the educational administrators, junior high schools’ teachers, and follow-up researchers.公開授課創意教學自我效能感內外控信念創意教學行為Lesson StudySelf-efficacy of Creative TeachingCreative Teaching BehaviorsLocus of Control實施公開授課之中學教師創意教學自我效能對創意教學行為影響之研究—以內外控信念為中介變項A Study on the Self-efficacy of Creative Teaching and the Influence of Creative Teaching Behaviors of Secondary School Teachers in the Implementation of Lesson Study - Locus of Control as a Mediating Variable學術論文