葉俶禎C. Rosa Yeh魏良宇Matthew, Liang Yu Wei2019-08-282017-8-292019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699860318%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/85061本研究在台灣探索電子化人力資源資訊系統的前因與後果的探究。研究運用便利抽樣從不同的管道蒐集組織層級的回答,研究中共採納182家公司的回答。本研究運用敘述性統計來驗證目前台灣現況的電子化人力資訊系統的運用狀況。更進一步,運用部分最小平方(PLS)以及結構方程式模型更進一步探索電子化人力資源實務以及與其他變數之間的關係。結果顯示電子化人力資源資訊系統前因,諸如人力資源角色的複雜性、工作複雜度或是當作中介的公司資訊能力,皆不成立。另外一方面,不同電子化程度的電子化人力資源資訊系統被此研究證明是可以有效驗證另外兩個被影響的變數,人力資源的策略性以及人力資源部門的職能。詳細的意涵在此研究中有更詳細的討論。The study was conducted in Taiwan to explore the antecedents and outcomes of e-HR adoption. Convenient sampling was adopted to collect organizational response from multiple data sources, and data from 182 companies were included in the analysis. This study used descriptive data analysis to examine current status of e-HR practices in Taiwan, and partial least square (PLS) based structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore the relationship among e-HR practices and other variables. The result showed non-significant effect from the hypothesized antecedents of e-HR practices, i.e., HR role complexity and task complexity as predictors and IT capability as the moderator. The level of e-HR practices, on the other hand, was proven to be significant predictors of two outcome variables, strategic focus and competence of the human resource department. Implications of these findings were discussed in the research.電子人力資訊系統導入人力資源角色公司資訊能力部分最小平方E-HR adoptionHR rolesIT capabilitypartial least square電子化人力資源資訊系統導入對人力資源部門的影響:一個實證研究An Empirical Study of E-HR Adoption and HR Department Outcomes in Taiwan