藍治平張永達Chih-Ping LanYung-Ta Chang2014-10-272014-10-272002-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15387本研究以七位國中生物教師為研究對象,採用半結構式訪談法及課室觀以蒐集資料,並以紮根理論進行資料分析,深入探討國中生物教師在教學上表現的資訊行為。結果發現國中生物教師的資訊行為。結果發現國中生物教師的資訊來源管道主要分成兩大類,分別是外在資訊來源及內在經驗來源。經由資訊來源管道所取得的資訊,大致上可以分成七大類,包括概念表徵資訊、學生資訊、學科教學資訊、學科內容資訊、一般教育學資訊、一般教學情境資訊、特殊經驗資訊等。至於生物教師資訊行為的促發因素與三方面因素。此外生物教師在教學歷程中,對於資訊的使用主要是將學科內容轉形成教學表徵來加以呈現。本研究針對資訊服務系統建置提供的建議,希望能作為其變進之參考,使能更符合教師之教學需求與使用方式。This study aims to explore the information behavior of biology teachers in junior high school. Semi-structured interview and classroom observation data of seven biology teachers in junior high school were collected and analyzed by using the grounded theory. Results show that biology teachers would access information from outside information sources and inside experience sources. Their information need includes of conceptual representation, students, subject matter, pedagogical content, general pedagogy, general instructional context, and special experience. It was also found that teacher himself, students, and instructional context would be the activating and intervening factors of teachers’ information behavior. Achieving the teaching goals, biology teachers would exhibit their information behavior to deal with instructional representation. That is, they would organize outside information and their knowledge to transform subject matter knowledge into the appropriate instructional representation. Finally, some suggestions were made for the promotion of the design of information service systems.資訊行為生物教師資訊來源管道資訊需求教學表徵教師知識Information behaviorBiology teachersInformation sourcesInformation needInstructional representationTeachers' knowledge國中生物教師資訊行為再探討The Advanced Study of Information Behavior of Biology Teachers in Junior High School