周世玉Chou, Shih-Yu陳怡如Chen, Yi-Ju2024-12-172024-05-162024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/edd7ce0adf5be823cac667f6bc12b908/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122866電子電機零件通路商為零件供應商與製造商中間的重要橋梁,隨著網際網路發展,市場價格趨於透明,通路商代理知名品牌的利潤逐漸壓縮,另一方面代理權也出現潛在危機。通路商代理銷售知名品牌的利潤範圍固定,而銷售自有品牌產品則可以抓住價格高度敏感客群,替通路商創造更高營業額。自有品牌策略一般常用於民生消費品,鮮見於工業品市場,本研究從電子電機零件通路商的自有品牌角度切入,探討如何強化供應面,遴選優良供應商,以突破現時狀況而達到永續經營。營運自有品牌需挑選合適供應商來配合。採購部門須謹慎選擇自有品牌供應商,若選擇不適合供應商,無法滿足通路商需求,導入其產品後不僅影響銷售,連帶企業形象受損且造成嚴重不良影響。本研究選擇一家具代表性的電子電機零件通路商且有進行自有品牌行銷做為研究對象。從相關文獻回顧及專家訪談,本研究歸納出五個自有品牌供應商評選主準則:價格競爭力、產品品質、生產與研發、組織文化與服務表現,以及每一主準則之下的次準則。本研究將AHP訪談問卷資料進行一致性檢查與使用AHP層級分析法計算主準則與次準則的權重。研究結果顯示,個案公司的自有品牌之供應商遴選要素中,專家一致性認為產品品質和生產研發最為重要,合計權重約為0.8,遠超過價格競爭力、組織文化、及服務表現。Electronic and electrical parts distributors are an important bridge between parts suppliers and manufacturers. With the development of Internet, market prices have become more transparent and the profits of distibutors acting as agents for well-known brands have gradually shrunk. On the other hand, there is also a potential crisis in agency rights. Distributers have a fixed profit range when selling well-known brands as agents, while selling private label products can capture highly price sensitive customer groups and create higher turnover for distributors. Own brand strategies are generally used in consumer goods for people’s livelihood and rarely seen in the industrial products market. This study starts from the perspective of own brands of electronic and electrical parts distributors and explores how to strengthen the supply side and select excellent suppliers to break through the current situation and achieve sustainability business.To launch own brand products, you need to select suitable suppliers to support it. Procuement departments must carefully select own brand suppliers. If they chose an unsuitable supplier and cannot meet the needs of distributors, importing their products will not only affect sales but also damage the company reputation and cause serious adverse effects. This study selects a representative electronic and electrical parts distributor that conducts its own brand marketing as the research object. From a review of relevant literature and interviews with the experts, this study summarized five major criteria for own brand supplier selection: Price Competitiveness, Product Quality; Production and R&D, Organizational Culture and Service Performance, as well as sub-criteria under each major criterion. In this study, the AHP interview questionnaire data was checked for consistency and the AHP analytic hierarchy process was used to calculate the weights of major criteria and sub-criteria. The research results show that among the factors for selecting suppliers for the case company’s own brand; the experts unanimously believe that product quality and production and R&D are the most important, with a total weight of approximately 0.8 far exceeding price competitiveness, organizational culture, and service performance.自有品牌通路商供應商評選層級分析法own branddistributorsupplier selectionAHP電子電機零件通路商自有品牌之供應商遴選準則架構探討:以R公司為例A Study on the Supplier Evaluation Criteria Framework for Electronic and Electrical Parts Distributors’ Own Brands: Using Company R as an Example學術論文