楊梓楣Yang, Chih-Mei楊雅婷Yang, Ya-Ting2019-09-052020-08-232019-09-052017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0002303113%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/104768目的:本研究旨在探討不同練習情境對桌球初學者正手發不旋轉長球之影響。方法:實驗參加者為64名國中生(男32、女32名),未曾接受過正式桌球訓練為研究對象,平均年齡為12.6 ± 0.56歲,進行前測(即桌球正手發不旋轉長球技能測驗)後,將實驗參與者採S形排列平均分為四組:無限制組、落點限制組、高度限制組、雙限制組。實驗流程為實驗參加者在球桌左方之指定位置發球,以正手發不旋轉長球方式發斜線至對桌得分區,練習時依各組別之練習情境不同,每次練習200顆,兩次/週,共練習四週,練習期間以攝影機記錄得分區狀況,計算個人進球得分,四週後進行立即保留測驗及遷移測驗,隔週進行延遲保留測驗。實驗資料以混合設計二因子變異數分析檢證在不同組別與測驗之間、不同組別與練習之間是否有顯著差異,再以獨立樣本單因子變異數分析比較四組的遷移測驗。結果:一、不同練習情境之立即保留、延遲保留測驗有顯著差異,且高度限制組之學習成績顯著優於其他組別。二、不同練習情境除了雙限制組外,其餘三組之練習表現隨著練習次數增加皆有顯著提升。三、不同練習情境對於遷移測驗無顯著影響。結論:在練習時,有提供高度限制之練習情境能有助於桌球正手發不旋轉長球之學習表現。Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of different practicing conditions to the forehand flat serve of table tennis beginner. Method: The participants included 64 junior high students (male 32, female 32) that had no experience of forehand flat serve and the average age is 12.6 ± 0.56 years old. After pre-test, all of these participants were divided into four groups (No constraint group, first placement constraint group, height constraint group, double constraints group). The experimental procedure was that participants faced the table and stood on the left side which was the specific position. Participants practiced table tennis forehand flat serves twice a week for four weeks and 200 serves in every practice. The data of score were recorded by video camera. After four weeks, all participants performed immediate retention test and transfer test. A week later, they accepted the delayed retention test. The data of eight practices, the scores of immediate retention and delayed retention test, were analyzed by two-way (group 4 × test 3) mixed design ANOVA, and transfer test scores were analyzed by one-way ANOVA. Result: (1) There was significant difference among practicing conditions in immediate retention tests, and the learning effect of height constraint group was better than other groups. (2) There was significant raise during the practicing for four weeks, and height constraint group was better than other groups. (3) There was no significant difference among practicing conditions in transfer retention tests. Conclusion: Practicing condition with height constraint could positively affect the forehand flat serve of table tennis beginner.桌球正手發球工作限制環境賦使forehand flat servetask constraintaffordances練習情境對桌球初學者正手發不旋轉長球之影響The effects of different practicing conditions to the forehand flat serve of table tennis beginner