鍾曙華2014-10-272014-10-272004-01-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/12037這篇文章旨在探討從臺灣來的大學生以英文來表達請求,以及他們在會話中,尚使用的一些語意慣用與請求策略。資料來源來自於卷調查、角色扮演與訪談。研究中 顯示出文化價?、關係的親疏遠近、權力以及對聽者造成某種程度的威脅感、性格、情境因素、以及與聽者之間權力與義務等,也會影響請求策略的選擇。而參與者 無論其地位平等與否,對於為不熟悉的交談對象,傾向於使用較為托的言談,而請求者對於不熟悉且地位平等者,當地感到他的權力遭受挑戰時,偶而會使用較為直 接的言談。在上位者對於較為熟悉的部屬,則會使用較為直接的言談。This study aims to explore Chinese native speakers, use of politeness strategies for making requests in English. The frequency of use of semantic formulas and request strategies that the participants used in conversation was studied. The data were collected through a written questionnaire, role-playing, and interviews. The findings suggest that cultural value, social distance, power, a level of face threat to the addressee, personality factors, situational factors and rights and obligations between the interlocutors seem to play roles in the choice of request strategies. The participants tended to use more indirect speech with unfamiliar addresses whether they were equals or unequal. When the requester felt that his or her right was being challenged, more direct speech was occasionally used toward unfamiliar equals. Speakers in positions of superiority tended, to use more direct speech with familiar subordinates.禮貌策略請求策略語意慣用語文化價值觀Politeness strategiesRequest strategiesSemantic formulasCultural valuesPolite Request Strategies Across Cultures跨文化禮貌性請求策略:以中國與美國的大學生為研究對象