鄭志富Cheng, Chih-fu郭哲君Kuo Che-Chun2019-09-052010-7-272019-09-052010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697300493%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105806 本研究以幸福感理論為根據,旨在探討2010年全國大專校院運動會志工知覺社會支持與工作滿意對幸福感之影響關係。以志願服務於2010年全國大專校院運動會之志工,共計1,017位體育志工為研究對象母群體,於2010年5月3日至5月14日,透過問卷調查法得有效樣本470份,以瞭解志工在社會支持、工作滿意與幸福感之知覺現況,並以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模式進行分析,研究發現如下: 一、2010年全國大專校院運動會志工在身份背景上以女性、20歲(含)以下、就讀主辦賽會之學校、過去曾有擔任志工經驗者為多數,顯示本次研究之志工主要為主辦學校的大專學生志工為主力。 二、2010年全國大專校院運動會志工在社會支持、工作滿意與幸福感之知覺評價皆介於「普通/不一定」到「同意/符合」之間,屬中等以上之程度,顯示仍有向上提升之空間。 三、2010年全國大專校院運動會志工之性別、年齡、就讀學校、過去擔任志工經驗以及服務組別會影響其社會支持知覺。 四、2010年全國大專校院運動會志工之性別、就讀學校以及過去擔任志工經驗會影響其工作滿意評價。 五、2010年全國大專校院運動會志工之性別和就讀學校會影響其幸福感感受。 六、2010年全國大專校院運動會志工社會支持、工作滿意對幸福感具解釋力。 基於上述結論,建議未來相關單位在志工的組織、培訓與管理上,應把三者時間拉長,作更有系統性的規劃與執行,並透過各種活動的參與進行評鑑,藉以維持志工間的橫向情感與凝聚力,並可針對志工工作態度或成效進行檢視,發揮綜效。This study is based on the well-being theory and designed to reveal the relations among social support, job satisfaction and well-being in 2010 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games. The researcher took 1,017 volunteers as the research subject through the questionnaire and 470 were valid. According to the data collected from the questionnaire, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA and Structural Equation Modeling were performed for data analysis. The results were derived as following: 1.The main group of sport volunteers were female, less 20 than years old (inclusive), study in the college of National Taiwan Sport University with voluntary experiences. 2.Social support, job satisfaction and well-being were only slightly above average of evaluation in this study. 3.The gender, age, college, voluntary experiences, service department would affect how sport volunteers evaluate social support. 4.The gender, college and voluntary experiences would affect how sport volunteers evaluate job satisfaction. 5.The gender and college would affect how sport volunteers evaluate well-being. 6.The path model of social support, job satisfaction and well-being in sport volunteers is appropriate. In other words, social support and job satisfaction would affect well-being. According to the research results, the voluntary organizations of sport should set a systematically long-term training plan to evaluate the achievements of training activities, and maintain the affections among sport volunteers; also, it could exam the outcomes of volunteers’ service and working quality.體育志工社會支持工作滿意幸福感主觀幸福感sport volunteerssocial supportjob satisfactionwell-beingsubjective well-being體育志工社會支持、工作滿意對幸福感之影響研究—以2010年全國大專校院運動會志工為例The study among social support, job satisfaction and well-being of sport volunteers – In 2010 National Intercollegiate Athletic Games