譚光鼎陳怡樺chen yi hua2019-08-282013-7-292019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098003218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89775本研究旨在瞭解高職生霸凌行為及其因應策略相關性,為達研究目的,依據文獻探討分析編製「高職生霸凌行為及其因應策略相關因素之研究問卷」,並以新北市陽光高職的學生為對象進行調查,共得有效樣本183位。所得資料以單因子多變項變異數分析、多元廻歸分析及典型相關分析等統計方法加以分析,根據問卷調查結果歸納出若干結論如下: 一、 除不同性別之外,其他不同背景因素之高職生在霸凌行為上皆有差異。 二、 不同年級、性別、出生序之高職生在因應策略上有差異。 三、 不同家庭關係、居住地、家庭狀況之高職生在因應策略上並無差異。 四、 高職生的霸凌行為可以預測其因應策略—其中以關係霸凌預測力較高。 基於上述研究結果,研究者據以提出若干建議,以供學校、家長、教育工作者及未來相關研究作為參考。The aim of this research is to understand the bullying behavior among vocational high school students and its correlation of coping strategies. In order to achieve the goal, the questionnaires were completed with the references which are relevant to the topic. The sample of the research are from Sunny Vocational High School. A total of 183 valid questionnaires were collected. The survey data was analyzed by one-way ANOVA, multiple regression and canonical correlation. The results of questionnaires is summarized as follow: 1. Except for the gender difference, there are significant difference among vocational high school students who have different background factors in bullying behavior. 2. The coping strategies are different in terms of gender ,sex and the order of born. 3. There was no difference towards coping strategy among variable family relationship , birthplace and family condition. 4. The bullying behavior among vocational high school students could predict the coping strategies- the higher prediction based on the relationship bully. According to the survey conclusion, this study provided some suggestions as the reference for the future study by the schools , parents ,educational workers and related researchers.高中職學生霸凌行為因應策略vocational high school studentbullying behaviorcoping strategie高職生霸凌行為與其因應策略相關因素之研究-以新北市陽光高職為例The Research on Bullying Behaviour among Vacational High School Students and its Factors of Coping Strategies - A Case Study of Sunny Vocational High School in New Taipei City.