洪聰敏Hung Tsung Min高士竣Kao Shih Chun2019-09-052011-2-162019-09-052011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697300132%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105778目的:本研究目的在探討額中葉theta波 (Fmθ) 神經回饋訓練是否對高爾夫推桿表現以及心理狀態有正面的影響。根據Patrick 與 Hrycaiko (1998),單一受試者研究設計 (single - subject) 是應用性研究中一種較合適的研究方式,因此本研究將透過跨實驗參與者多基準線設計 (across - subjects multiple baselines) 來探討神經回饋訓練的效果。方法:三位優秀的男性高爾夫球選手皆須完成11次的10球推桿作為表現的依據。競賽心理狀態性焦慮量表、實驗信度與效度測量也會在神經回饋訓練前後分別施測。結果:三位參與者的推桿表現在神經回饋訓練後皆有改善,而且在主觀感受上都體驗到較高的專注以及控制感。在皮質活動上,所有參與者在推桿時的Fmθ以及其餘與較佳注意力狀態有關的腦波特徵都沒有明顯的改變,結論:神經回饋訓練確實是幫助運動員提升表現的有效途徑。然而,參與者推桿時的Fmθ功率以及其他皮質區活動在神經回饋訓練後卻無明顯改變,因此神經回饋訓練促進高爾夫推桿表現的機轉無法在本研究中被說明。未來的研究除了致力於找出神經回饋訓練促進運動表現之機轉外,將神經回饋訓練應用到實際的應用情境中也是可行的方向。Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine whether frontal midline theta (Fmθ) neurofeedback training (NFT) improves golf putting performance as well as self-reported measures of performance-related mental states. An idiographic, single-subject, multiple baselines, across-subjects design was employed. The rationale for such an approach was largely centered upon the work of Patrick and Hrycaiko (1998), who indicated that single-subject designs were the most appropriate methodology for applied research. Methods: The participants in this study were three male elite golfers who were asked to complete eleven sessions, ten putts per session, of putting performance. Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), Social Validation Assessment, and Practical Assessment Questionnaire were assessed before and after NFT intervention for each participant. Results: The results showed that all three participants improved in their putting performance and experienced highly focused and self-control after NFT intervention. Fmθ and attention-related cortical signatures were not different before and after NFT. Conclusion: It may thus be deduced that NFT intervention benefits athletic performance. However, Fmθ and attention-related cortical activities were not changed after NFT intervention. Therefore, the mechanism of performance enhancement via NFT is still remained a question. Here suggests that future research of NFT should be devoted to the clarification of the underlying mechanism of the effect through NFT and the application of practical sport field.神經回饋高爾夫推桿額中葉thetaneurofeedbackgolf puttingfrontal midline theta神經回饋訓練對高爾夫推桿表現之影響Effect of neurofeedback training on golf putting performance