張民杰林昱丞Min-Chieh ChangYu-Chen Lin2019-08-122019-08-122016-09-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/81348社會上的重要議題隨著九年一貫課程正式綱要的公布與實施後,開始進入中小學的課程。由於議題融入課程需要教師具備相對應的能力,所以教育部在民國102年規定師資職前教育課程應培養師資生議題融入教學的專業知能,並要求於教育專業課程開設《教育議題專題》必選課程。本研究運用文件分析、焦點團體座談,探討議題融入教學的沿革及各教育階段的教學情況。根據探討結果提出了《教育議題專題》課程綱要,分析本課程的課程目標、教學內容、教學方法和評量方式,做為本課程授課之參考。After the announcement and implementation of the Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, the crucial issues in the society begin to be involved in the curriculum for primary and secondly school. In 2013, the Ministry of Education required teacher education program to cultivate pre-service teachers' ability in issue instructing, because the issue-integrated curriculum requires teachers to have a corresponding ability. "Educational Issue" in teacher education program is required as an elective course. In this study, document analysis, and focus group interviewing are adapted to explore the current situation of the various stages and evolution of issue curriculum. In conclusion, there is the syllabus of "Educational Issue" which contains the objects, contents, teaching methods, and assessment for teachers who will teach this course.教育議題專題議題融入教學師資職前教育課程educational issueissue-integrated teachingpre-service teacher education program師資職前教育專業課程《教育議題專題》課程設計探討A Study on the Curriculum Design of Education-related Courses in Teacher Education Program