許添明Sheu, Tian-Ming商雅雯Shang, Ya-Wen2024-12-172024-08-062024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/a1e427b69e917f975e9a1bd1375bcd1f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122488臺灣偏遠地區學校面臨學生家庭背景相對弱勢、功能不彰,無法獨力改善與解決學生學習與照顧問題,為數不多又流動率高的教職員,沒有多餘的人力整合家長與社區部落資源,又各項挹注資源零散且未整合。為改善前述困境,許添明、林志成(2022)援引Kania與Kramer(2011)提出善於回應成因複雜、涉及多方利害關係人的議題的集體貢獻模式(Collective impact),於2021-2022年期間帶領1所偏遠國中、1所偏遠國小,依循模式關鍵要素整合利害關係人,組建核心團隊,並透過討論形成共識議程、成功指標與協調並相互增強的活動。為檢視集體貢獻作為新興且初次運用於臺灣偏遠地區學校的模式,是否確實能改善偏遠地區學校的困境,本研究透過分析許添明與林志成(2022)的研究成果,以及深度訪談參與成員,回應三項研究目的:一、探究核心團隊籌組與運作歷程的效益與挑戰;二、分析核心團隊產出之共識議程、成功指標與協調並相互增強的活動的效益與挑戰;三、探討集體貢獻模式實踐於偏遠地區個案學校的效益與挑戰。研究結果發現,核心團隊建立對話平台,促進學校與非學校利害關係人的理解和合作,但面臨成員參與度和發言受限等挑戰;共識議程、成功指標與協調活動已能初步引導利害關係人參與貢獻,但資源整合仍面臨挑戰;集體貢獻模式適用臺灣偏遠地區學校,但既有學校與非學校在學生學習之權責分工仍難以突破。當今社會所面對的議題與挑戰涉及因素複雜,愈加有賴跨組織、跨群體合作,本研究結果凸顯了協調合作歷程可能遭遇的困難與挑戰,並提出相對性改善建議,亦能提供跨域合作的團隊及相關政策制定者參考:一、促進成員掌握集體貢獻精神,避免於核心團隊會議流於細節討論;二、加強非學校資源盤點,以利學校內外資源整合及活動協調;三、成功指標與協調並相互增強的活動標示明確期程,並排定優先序;四、建立新加入成員的引導為集體貢獻正式程序;五、集體貢獻統籌者應以建立團隊信任關係為核心。Schools in remote areas of Taiwan face significant challenges due to the disadvantaged family backgrounds of students and insufficient functionality, which hinder their ability to independently improve and resolve issues related to student learning and care. With a small and high-turnover staff, these schools lack the manpower to integrate resources from parents and community tribes, and the resources contributed are fragmented and uncoordinated. To address these issues, Sheu and Lin (2022), drawing on the Collective Impact model proposed by Kania and Kramer (2011), led one remote junior high and one remote elementary school during 2021-2022. They followed the model's key elements to integrate stakeholders, form a backbone team, and through discussions, develop a common agenda, share measurement, and mutually reinforcing activities. To evaluate the effectiveness of the Collective Impact model, a newly applied in remote Taiwanese schools, this study analyzed the research outcomes of Sheu and Lin (2022), and conducted in-depth interviews with participants, addressing three research objectives: 1) Explore the benefits and challenges of the backbone team's formation and operation; 2) Analyze the effectiveness and challenges of the common agenda, share measurement, and mutually reinforcing activities produced by the backbone team; 3) Discuss the applicability and challenges of the Collective Impact model in remote case schools.The findings reveal that the backbone team established a platform for dialogue, fostering understanding and cooperation between school and non-school stakeholders, but faced challenges such as limited participation and restricted communication. The common agenda, share measurement, and mutually reinforcing activities have initially guided stakeholder involvement, yet challenges in resource integration remain. The Collective Impact model is suitable for remote Taiwanese schools, but breaking through the existing division of responsibilities between schools and non-school stakeholders in student learning remains difficult. Given the complex nature of contemporary societal issues and challenges, which increasingly rely on cross-organizational and interdisciplinary collaboration, this study highlights potential difficulties and challenges encountered during the coordination process and offers recommendations for improvement, which may also serve as a reference for teams and policymakers engaged in cross-sector collaboration: 1) Promote understanding of the spirit of Collective Impact model among members, avoiding getting bogged down in details during backbone team discussion; 2) Enhance inventory of non-school resources to facilitate integration and coordination of internal and external school resources; 3) Clearly define timelines and priorities for share measurement and mutually reinforcing activities; 4) Add Guidance for new members as a formal process of the Collective Impact model; 5) The coordinators of Collective Impact model should focus on building team trust as the core.弱勢者教育偏遠地區學校集體貢獻跨部門合作collective impactcross-sector collaborationeducation for disadvantagededucation for schools in rural area集體貢獻運用於偏遠地區學校之研究A Study of Collective Impact Implementation in Rural Schools學術論文