徐孟達Mong-Da Hsu吳亨皆Heng-Chieh Wu2019-09-052007-7-92019-09-052007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593041212%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105326從事適度、適量、適合的運動訓練,可以提升運動中的心肺能力,但是對於肥胖者在運動訓練後,有關運動後恢復期生理值變化情形的研究卻是相當有限。因此,本研究主要的目的在瞭解長期運動訓練對國中肥胖男生體適能與運動恢復期生理值之影響。本研究招募20名身體質量指數(body mass index;BMI)大於24.8的台中市四張犁國中男學生為受試者,並分成長期運動訓練之實驗組與無運動介入之控制組,每組各10人。實驗組以70%HRmax的強度進行每次30分鐘(每跑完10分鐘休息5分鐘)、每週三次,共12週的跑走運動訓練。所有受試者在訓練後以固定式腳踏車,從事90%HRmax的踏車運動10分鐘,並於記錄運動後10分鐘內的心跳率、血壓及體溫的變化情形。所得資料以混和設計二因子變異數分析進行考驗,所得結果如下: 一、運動介入組在實驗結束後,心肺適能與全身肌肉量明顯優於控制組。而以改變程度來看,運動介入組在立定跳、柔軟度、仰臥起坐、心肺適能的改變亦明顯大於控制組。 二、運動恢復期收縮壓的變化上,運動介入組的回復能力明顯優於控制組。但在心跳率、舒張壓及耳溫上,兩組間則沒有顯著差異。 由以上結果發現長期規律從事分散式運動,同樣能對肥胖國中男生之健康有所助益。因此,建議鼓勵肥胖國中男生可以從事分散式運動。Purpose: The study was to examine the effects of exercise training on physical fitness and physiological responses during recovery period after exercise in the obese junior high school boy. Method: Based on this purpose, we had recruited 20 one-graders from Ssu Chang Li Junior High School in Taichung City. Every subject’s body mass index (BMI) is more than 24.8 kg*m-2. We divided them into two groups: the exercise training group (EG) and the control group (CG). The EG performed discontinuous running exercise at 70% HRmax, 30 minutes per day, 3 times per week for 12 weeks. Physical fitness was assessed before and after exercise training, and physiological responses were assessed during recovery period after exercise test. All the data were collected and analyzed with mixed two-ways ANOVA. Results: the results were shown as followed: 1. The cardiorespiratory fitness and total body muscle mass were significantly better in the EG than in the CG after training. 2. The rate of systolic pressure to go back to baseline was significantly faster in the EG than in the CG, but there were no significant difference in heart rate, diastolic pressure and temperature between both groups. Conclusions: Discontinuous running exercise has the same effects improving cardiorespiratory fitness, total body muscle mass and systolic pressure in obese junior high school boy. The kind of exercise is fit for them to practice.長期運動訓練肥胖體適能恢復期生理值exercise trainingobesephysical fitnessrecovery periodphysiological responses長期運動訓練對國中肥胖男生體適能與運動恢復期生理值之影響Effects of Training on Physical Fitness and Physiological Responses during Recovery Period after Exercise in the Obese Junior High School Boy