黃城Huang Chen陳偉杰Chen Wei-Chieh2019-08-282005-1-172019-08-282005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2005000125%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/857901988年蔣經國去世迄今,台灣被認為歷經民主化過程,現在則面臨民主鞏固的問題。地方派系的變化,在過去15年來,是台灣政治變遷中,極為重要的問題之一,從過去到現在,被報章雜誌,以及在學術論述中,都提到台灣各地至少有一百個地方派系存在過,大致上,在1990年代以前,地方派系在台灣各級選舉中對於選票動員有一定的掌握力。 在1950年代,宜蘭縣的地方派系人物便已開始參與地方事務,他們分別是盧派的盧纘祥、林派的林才添、陳派的陳進東、許派的許文政、礁溪吳派的吳阿土、礁溪林派的林松輝及冬山徐派的徐振祥。但是,宜蘭縣卻是少數很早就由民進黨執政的地方。在民進黨掌握地方行政資源下,宜蘭縣的地方派系變遷情形如何,值得了解。如果地方派系的恩庇侍從主義理論是對的,那麼在長期民進黨執政下,原依侍於國民黨這個「恩主」之下的派系,會產生政黨支持的「位移」現象。 其次,宜蘭縣在民進黨長期執政下,多位民進黨及政治人物入主中央要職,民進黨的中央派系為尋求地方上的權力基礎,是否與宜蘭縣民進黨地方政治人物進行結盟,而形成依侍關係?這都是本文希望加以研究分析的主體。After former President Chiang Ching-kuo’s death in 1988, Taiwan is seen going through the process of democratization, whereas now faced with the problem of democratic consolidation. In the past 15 years, the change of local factions is a very important issue in the political transition in Taiwan. Articles in various magazines, newspapers and periodicals all mentioned that there are at least 100 local factions once existed. Generally, before 1990, local factions had specific control over the mobilization of voters in all levels of elections. In the 1950s, members of the local factions in I-Lan already participated in local affairs. They were: Lu Tsan Hsiang of the Lu faction, Lin Tsai-tian of the Lin faction, Chen Chin-tung of the Chen faction, Wu A-tu of the Chiao-shi Wu faction, Lin Sung-huei of the Chiao-shi Lin faction and Hsu Chen-hsiang of the Tung-Shan Hsu faction. However, I-Lan county is one of the few places that DPP (Democratic Progressive Party) in office. Under the dominance of DPP, it’s worth understanding how the transition of the local faction takes place. If the patron-client system theory is right, then under the long-term DPP dominance, those factions that previously under the KMT patronage will lead to a move of party support. Secondly, under the long-term dominance of DPP, many political figures of the DPP enter the central government and take major posts. Whether the central faction of the DPP seeks local power basis to form an alliance with the local DPP figures of I-Lan County, and form a patron-client relationship is the main theme of this study.地方派系侍從主義政黨支持政黨體系政黨競爭Local FactionPatron-Client RelationshipParty FavorParty SystemParty Competition政黨體系變遷與地方派系勢力消長關係之研究--宜蘭縣的個案分析(1950~2004)Relationship Between Party System Transition and Local Faction Influence: A Case Study of I-Lan County (1950~2004)