國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系黃淑貞姜逸群賴香如洪文綺陳曉玟邱雅莉袁寶珠2014-12-022014-12-022003-06-011023-9812http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/39886本研究的主旨在於瞭解目前國小中、高年級學童健康行為,包括:飲食、運動、口腔衛生、安全生活、視力保健、人際關係、心理健康、規律作息、姿勢正確及衛生習慣十項健康行為現況,並探討社會人口學變項對學童健康行為的影響。研究對象為九十學年度就讀於臺灣各公私立國小之全體學童為母群體。以分層隨機抽樣,抽取國小三至六年級學童共5,688名進行問卷調查,總計回收之有效問卷為4,826份。研究結果發現:衛生習慣為整體表現較好的行為。個別行為上表現較好的是每天吃早餐、便後洗手,及每天洗澡。表現較差的是不吃太鹹的食物、不吃太油膩的食物、每天至少一次使用牙線清潔牙齒和每半年給牙醫師檢查牙齒一次。性別方面,女生的健康行為表現較男生為佳,僅運動行為一項較男生為差。年級方面,一般皆呈現出五、六年級學生健康行為表現較三、四年級學生為佳的情形,即年齡愈大健康行為的表現也愈好,但在姿勢正確一項中,則是低年級學童表現較高年級學童佳。觮庭背景因素則是非原住民兒童、女生、與父母同住、家長教育程度愈高、職業等級愈高者,其健康行為表現愈好。根據研究結果,研究者提出數項建議。The main purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influenced the school children’s health behavior. These behaviors included eating behavior, exercise behavior, safety life, eyesight protection, interpersonal relationship, mental health, regular habit, good posture, and daily health practice. Besides, the factors that influenced health behavior were also explored. The sample was selected from the school children who registered in the elementary school in Taiwan in the first semester of 2002. four thousand eight hundred and twenty-six children out of the 5,688 samples completed the self-administered questionnaire. The result showed that: As a whole, the type of behavior that the students performed best was daily health practice. The individual behavior that the students performed better were eating breakfast everyday, washing hands after using the toilet, and taking the bath everyday. The behaviors that the students did not performed well were using dental floss to clean the teeth at least once a day, eating the too salty and greasy food. Female students performed better than their male counterparts except the exercise behavior. The fifth and sixth graders had healthier behavior than the third and fourth graders with the exception of good posture. The aboriginal students had worse behavior than other students. School children with the parents of higher social status usually performed better health behavior. The authors suggested that the sample should be expanded to include parents’ and teachers’ behavior to generate more information. Also, the health education curriculum should take the social status of the family and ethnicity of the students into consideration.國小學童健康行為年級性別社經地位Elementary school childrenHealth behaviorGradeGenderSocioeconomic status臺灣地區國小學童健康行為現況及其與社會人口學變項之相關研究