杞昭安Chao-An Chi宋宛穎Wan-Ying Song2019-08-282014-10-312019-08-282012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599091221%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/91766本研究目的主要在探討多媒體繪本融入故事結構教學後,對國中輕度智能障礙學生在口語敘事上的成效。研究對象為三名國中九年級輕度智能障礙學生,採用單一受試之跨受試多探試研究設計;自變項為多媒體繪本融入故事結構教學方案;依變項為學生的口語敘事能力,包含「主角」、「時間」、「地點」、「起因」、「故事經過」、「結果」。實驗過程中,共進行十次教學。每位參與學生每週接受三次教學介入,每次一則故事,教學後收集參與學生的語言樣本,並將語言樣本轉錄為逐字稿,根據自編的口語敘事評量表進行分析。資料分析結果採目視分析法,以瞭解三位參與學生的立即及維持成效。最後分析家長與導師的訪談資料結果,作為本研究之社會效度。綜合本研究結果如下: 一、多媒體繪本融入故事結構教學對提升國中輕度智能障礙學生的整體口語敘事能力具有立即及維持成效。 二、多媒體繪本融入故事結構教學對提升國中輕度智能障礙學生的口語敘事分項能力「主角」、「時間」、「地點」、「起因」、「故事經過」、「結果」具有立即及維持成效。 三、特教班導師及家長表示三位參與學生在經過教學介入後,對語文學習動機及興趣皆有提升,在口語敘事方面,三名參與學生在日常生活上的表達能力有進步。 最後,根據研究結果提出相關建議供教學者及未來研究參考。The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of using multimedia picture books on story grammar instruction to improve oral narrative ability of three ninth graders with mild intellectual disabilities. The single-subject experimental design of multiple across subjects was used to evaluate the effect. The independent variable was story grammar instruction, and the dependent variables were oral narrative ability, including main character, times, places, initiating events, proceeding events, and outcome. Each participant took three intervention sessions in one week, one story at a time, to a total of ten sessions. After each session, a laptop recording equipment was used to collect the participants’ language samples, the samples were then transcribed and a self-conducted oral narrative rating scale was used to evaluate the effect. The data were analyzed by visual analysis .Interviews with parents and leading teachers were conducted; information was collected and analyzed for social validity. The results were as fallow: 1.The story grammar instruction with multimedia picture books could improve participants’ whole oral narrative ability immediately, and maintain the effects. 2.The story grammar instruction with multimedia picture books could improve subject’s the sub-oral narrative ability immediately, including “main character”, “times”, “places”, “initiating events”, “proceeding events”, “outcome”, and maintain the effects. 3.The self-contained classroom leading teachers and all three parents declared that participants showed increasing interests and motivations on language learning after the intervention. On oral narrative ability, all three participants were claim to show improvement on daily language expression. According to findings, some suggestions were provided for the teachers and future researches.多媒體繪本故事結構教學輕度智能障礙口語敘事單一受試Multimedia Picture BooksStory Grammar InstructionStudents with Mild Intellectual DisabilitiesOral Narrative AbilitySingle-subject Research多媒體繪本融入故事結構教學對國中輕度智能障礙學生口語敘事之成效The Effects of Story Grammar Instruction using Multimedia Picture Books on Oral Narrative Ability of Junior High School Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities