陳建志陳亭燏Chien-Chih ChenTing-Yu Chen2014-10-272014-10-272013-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/13219本研究旨在利用中介效果模式,分析國小校長教學視導、教師知識分享與教師專業發展之關聯性。以往相關研究大多運用直接效果模式進行,然而,其無法解決校長如何透過知識分享,影響教師專業發展之重要議題。因此本研究採取中介效果模式,進一步瞭解其關係。本次研究係針對屏東縣國小教師進行問卷調查,所得資料主要應用積差相關、迴歸分析以及結構方程模式進行統計分析。本次研究共得到兩個結論:(1)校長教學視導對教師知識分享具有正向的解釋作用;校長教學視導及教師知識分享對教師專業發展亦具正向的解釋作用。(2) 校長教學視導能夠間接透過教師知識分享的中介作用,對教師專業發展造成正向的顯著影響。This study aims to analyze the relationship between principal's supervision of instruction, teachers' knowledge sharing and teachers' professional development by using mediated-effects model. Previous studies normally use directed-effects model. However, the use of directed-effects model does not resolve the most important theoretical issues concerning the means by which principals achieve an impact on teachers' professional development through teachers' knowledge sharing. Therefore, we use mediated-effects model to analyze the relationship in this study. By using product-moment correlation, regression analysis and the structural equation modeling (SEM), this study examined the relationship between principal's supervision of instruction and teachers' professional development mediated by the condition of knowledge sharing. Three related questionnaires were used to measure the major variables while data was collected of teachers in Pingtung County. It was found that principal's supervision of instruction can predict teachers' knowledge sharing and principal's supervision of instruction and teachers' knowledge sharing can also predict teachers' professional development. Also, the result from mediated-effects model indicated that knowledge sharing had the significant mediated effects of supervision of instruction on teachers' professional development.中介效果模式知識分享教學視導教師專業發展mediated-effects modelknowledge sharinginstructional supervisionteachers' professional development校長教學視導、教師知識分享與教師專業發展之關係-運用中介效果模式驗證Exploring the Relationship among Principal's Supervision of Instruction, Teachers' Knowledge Sharing and Teachers' Professional Development: A Test of the Mediated-Effects Model