謝吉隆徐晟洋Hsu, Cheng-yang2019-08-282015-12-212019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060115012E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88996為了探究大學生實際使用智慧型手機與社群媒介在使用時間及次數上與主觀認知的的差異,以及實際的使用數據是否反應大學生對於使用時間、次數多寡的認知,本研究以北部地區大二以上學生為研究對象,採用問卷與Lifelogging的方法分別收集研究參與者的智慧型手機、手機的Facebook、手機的Line實際的使用時間與次數,以及對於使用時間與次數的認知。本研究又以單題式和量表兩種方式,調查其對於智慧型手機及手機上的Facebook、Line的使用多寡認知與重度使用程度,藉此觀察實際數據是否隨著認知高低而呈現相同的使用時間與次數分佈。 在研究分析方面,本研究採用無母數配對樣本中位數比較來檢視使用智慧型手機、透過手機使用Facebook、Line三者在使用時間與次數方面的實際數據,是否與認知有所差異,接著比較無母數檢定中多組母群體的中位數,進一步觀察不同時段使用時間與次數是否影響認知與實際的差異,之後再以曼-惠二氏U檢定檢視研究參與者的感情狀態是否影響其認知與實際的使用時間及次數的差異。最後同樣再以曼-惠二氏U檢定檢視大學生之使用時間與次數分佈是否會隨著認知高低而出現差異。 研究結果顯示,在智慧型手機、手機上Facebook、手機上Line的使用時間在實驗參與者的認知上顯著高於實際使用,而使用次數則顯著低於實際使用,且三者的使用時間與次數皆呈現從早到晚逐漸遞增,早上時段使用時間、次數顯著較少。感情狀態則顯示實驗參與者對於手機上Facebook使用時間與次數的認知與實際使用呈現完全相反的結果,凸顯認知上的使用可能偏離實際使用情況。最後,參與本研究的大學生之使用多寡認知高低並不會在智慧型手機與社群媒介的實際使用時間、次數呈現出顯著的差異,表示使用時間或次數並不能被單純使用來作為探討大學生本身認知使用多寡的指標。This study is to discuss the difference of university student’s smart phones and social media use in the subjective perception and the actual use, and whether the actual use amount of the smartphone data will reflect the awareness of student’s smartphone and social media use, we used questionnaire survey and lifelogging to achieve the duration and frequency of use on smartphone, Facebook APP and LINE APP in the subjective perception and the actual use, and use the single question and addiction scale to measure the awareness of student’s smartphone and social media use, then we can understand whether the amount of the smartphone data will reflect the awareness of student’s smartphone and social media use. In this study, we unacceptable the first-year undergraduate student and just accept the north area in Taiwan. In this study we use Wilcoxon signed-rank test to compare the duration and frequency of use on smartphone, Facebook APP and LINE APP in the subjective perception and the actual use, then we use Kruskal–Wallis test to compare the difference of different times of day, moreover we use Mann–Whitney U test to campare the duration and frequency of use on smartphone, Facebook APP and LINE APP between single and in a relationship students, finally we use Kruskal–Wallis test to observe whether the amount of the smartphone data will reflect the awareness of student’s use on smartphone and social media. Primary results exhibited the the subjective perception of student’s smartphone and social media duration of use apparently higher than actual use, and the subjective perception of student’s smartphone and social media frequency of use apparently lower than actual use. Both of the duration and frequency increase frome morning to night, and there are least duration and frequency in the morning. The different relationship status display there are totally different result on the use of duration and frequency, it means people’s subjective perception probably not the true situation. Finally the use of duration and frequency will not reflect the awareness of student’s use on smartphone and social media, it means we can’t use just duration and frequency of use on smartphone or social media to decide if a person is addicted to something or not.Lifelogging主觀認知智慧型手機Lifeloggingsubjective perceptionsmart phone以Lifelogging方法觀察大學生主觀認知與實際手機和社群媒介使用行為之差異性研究Exploring Differences between Subjective Perception and Actual Smart Phone Use of University Students based on Lifelogging