卓俊伶Jwo, Jun-Ling黃郁雯Huang, Yu-Wen2022-06-082025-12-312022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/5ace067204cecc0cf0969c92a9c1dfa2/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/117713充足的身體活動量是維持健康生活的重要關鍵,智能障礙者可能因受限於生理及心理等各項因素,而有身體活動量不足的問題,該危機可能造成體適能不佳,而無法勝任勞力工作的挑戰,更影響成年後的健康狀況。青少年在學階段,若能建立正確的健康觀念,並提升身體活動量,將有助於維持改善體適能,並更順利就業,降低成年與老年後健康危機。因此,本研究以四位就讀國中智能障礙青少年為研究對象,以單一受試倒反設計為研究方法,藉由計步器於每日上學時間,記錄參與者六週身體活動量表現,進一步透過目標設定策略介入,評估改變情形及效果,提供教學現場教師教學調整參考。研究結果發現,目標設定對四位智能障礙學生身體活動量有提升效果,且智能障礙青少年身體活動量表現與當日是否有體育課程有相關,然而目標設定在介入階段前兩週,智能障礙青少年達成率較高,隨介入時間延長達成率會降低,至倒反期則很難繼續保持。Sufficient physical activity is critical to maintain a healthy life. Because of the constraints on physical and psychological factors, people with intelligent disabilities may have problems about tracking of physical activity. This crisis may cause poor physical fitness, incapable of labor work, and affect the health situation after adulthood and old age. If adolescents have correct concept of health and the situations about improving physical activity level. It will help maintaining good physical fitness and working successfully, and reducing health crisis in adulthood and old age. Four adolescents with intellectual disabilities were participants in this study. A single-subject multiple baseline across subjects design was used in this study. Pedometer was utilized to record participants' physical activity level for six weeks. To increase the efficiency goal setting method was used to achieve the result. The findings in this study can be provided the benefit for teacher's teaching adjustments in the future. In conclusion, goal-setting strategy has effects on improving the physical activity level of all four participants. And the level of the physical activity was related to whether there was a physical education class course on that day. However, participants had higher achievement rate at first two weeks. For adolescents with intellectual disabilities it was hard to maintain as the intervention time increased.智能障礙者計步器行為改變people with intelligent disabilitiespedometerbehavior modification目標設定介入對智能障礙青少年身體活動量的效果Effectiveness of Goal-setting Intervention on Physical Activity Level in Adolescents with Intellectual Disability學術論文