賴翠媛Tsuei-Yuan Lai2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/14372處在資訊發達的時代,網際網路已成為個體獲得訊息的主要來源,在眾多的網路中雖然資源豐富,但以資優教育為目標所設計的網站卻很少。本文就國內外各相關網站內容作概略之介紹,期望提供資優學生、資優教育教師及家長做參考,也期望未來國內專為資優教育所設計的網站能充分發揮其功能,提昇我國資優教育的素質。As technology moves the world rapidly, our school is getting into an e-learning environment. However, there are few resources available for the gifted education. This article is amid to review the exist resource and introduce them to whom who need these information. Besides that, internet resource only for gifted education is urgent to be designed for this country.資優教育數位學習gifted educatione-learning資優教育數位學習資源之探討An Introduction to the Internet Resource for the Gifted