單文經Wen-Jing Shan2020-09-032020-09-032020-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/109072為何會在十二年國教課綱「總綱」中遇見杜威?當然,這絕非一般的相遇或會面,而是取用「遇見」一詞所具發問與省思的意涵,藉杜威哲學與教育思想,闡釋十二年國教課綱總綱的核心理念,俾便尋繹其為課程及教學實務所帶來的啟示。本文係就十二年國教課綱總綱,以杜威著作的一手文獻為主要依據,配合有關的研究文獻,針對其中課程理念與杜威思想的關聯性,進行學理的分析與詮釋,以及實務的推衍與闡釋。本文依據解析與衍釋的五個要項,邀請讀者發問與省思,我們在多大的程度上,做到了以下的要求:以廣義課程理念的履行,發揚全人教育的基本精神;在兼顧學習者與課程兩端的前提下,帶動學習者導向課程範式的轉變;以間接施行與態度為重的教育作法,充實學生的核心素養;以擴增學習益趣,進而豐富人生經驗,達成連結生活情境的目的;以真教育帶領真學生,真實明智地做中學,確保實踐力行的成果。文末,於反思本文的性質與目的,並總結大要後,提出四個未來研究的方向。How could one meet Dewey in the Directions for CurriculumGuidelines of 12- Year Basic Education? Evidently, it is not toencounter or meet in common sense. It is questioning and pondering:interpret the Directions at its core; and elaborate his inspiration for thepractice of curriculum and instruction based on Dewey's philosophyand educational ideas.Anchoring at the Directions for Curriculum Guidelines of 12-YearBasic Education and first-hand literature of Dewey’s works and relatedliterature, this article gives theoretical analysis and practical reasoningon the connections between his thoughts and the curriculum ideals ofthe Directions.Based on the five essential elements of analysis and interpretation,this article invites readers to ask and reflect to what extent we havefulfilled the following requirements: to carry forward the essence ofwhole-person education with the implementation of the broad-sensecurriculum concept; to make a paradigm shift towards a learnerorientededucation while taking into account both learners andcurriculum; to employ in-depth indirect implementation and attitudeorientededucational practices to enhance students’ core competency;to raise students’ interest of learning and thereby to enrich their lifeexperience and to connect to real-life situation; to lead real learnerswith real learning experience and to enable learning by doing whileaiming at solid results.Finally, the article makes four suggestions for future research aftera reflection on its nature and purposes and a summary十二年國教課綱總綱杜威核心素養Directions for Curriculum Guidelines of 12- YearBasic EducationJohn Deweycore competency在十二年國教課綱「總綱」中遇見杜威MEETING JOHN DEWEY IN THE DIRECTIONSFOR CURRICULUM GUIDELINES OF 12- YEARBASIC EDUCATION