陳廖安Chen, Liao-An徐建婷Hsu, Chien-Ting2024-12-172024-08-132024https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/e83cbc958de5e28ae18fbe2b94c1849f/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/122701本論文研究由樂律與天干地支五行組合成的六十甲子形式之納音,及其相關問題;納音是象數易學的一個《易》例,廣義的納音則包括樂律被納入其他物類而組合的各種圖式。本論文發現:納音形成過程有四個時期——醞釀期、發展期、成熟期和應用期。醞釀期為先秦至漢初,樂律學的成熟,包括樂學中的五聲六律等,構成納音興起的條件。發展期在漢代,樂律與不同物類如陰陽五行、十天干、十二地支等等組配為圖式,律學思想與天文、曆法有契合之處,提供人們生活的準則與占卜方法,並發展出天與人和諧的思想。成熟期為樂律與易學融合,學者研究產生豐富的理論如卦氣、京房六十律、鄭玄的爻辰說,以及各式各樣的納音圖例。應用期的納音著重於「納音數」,特別是應用在命理學與擇日方面。重要的學說如揚雄的「太玄數」、葛洪的「五音六屬」、萬民英的《三命通會》之說,影響了納音數的推算以及此學說日後的進展。納音數定義為「人本命所屬之音」,本論文發現有五種推算納音數的方法:一、用揚雄太玄數;二、同樣用太玄數,但先立五行之序;三、用生數,以此五行所剋者為納音;四、用葛洪五音六屬法;五、從五音所生法。本論文兼顧納音之哲理與實務推算的應用技術。This thesis studies inclusion of traditional music temperaments into ten Heavenly Stems, twelve Earthly Branches, and Five Elements. This theory is also called Na-Yin. Na-Yin is a total number system of possible combinations of Sexagenary cycle. It belongs to Yi topic in Image Number Yi-ology. General Na-Yin includes all kinds of schema which are composed of the incorporation of traditional music temperaments into other objects.The study found that there are four periods in Na-Yin development:gestation period, development period, mature stage, and application period.Gestation period: The theories of Five Sounds and Six Voices are formed from the Pre-Qin Periods to early Han Dynasty. Music temperaments developed compleletely, and provided a good fundamental for Na-Yin development.Development period: In Han Dynasty, temperaments were combined with Yin-Yang Five Elements and ten Heavenly Stems, twelve Earthly Branches and so on, into a Schema (icon). The thought of temperaments has something compatible with astronomy, and calendar. It also supplied people living guideness and divination. People also developed the cosmology concept of harmony between heaven and humankind.Mature stage: The thoughts of temperaments were merged into the theory of Yi-ology, Yi philosophers formulated abundant theories, such as Gua-Chi (卦氣)、Jing, Fang’s sixty pitch pipes, and Zheng,Xuan's Yao-Chen (爻辰) theories as well as the structure of Na-Yin diagram patterns. Application period: In this period, the scholars emphasized on calculation of Na-Yin numbers. Na-Yin numbers especially applied to numerology, and special date choice concerning to one's aspect in personal whole life. Some important theories such as Yang,Xiong's Tai Xuan Shu (太玄數)、Ge,Hong's Five Tones and Six Genera(五音六屬) and Wan,Min-Ying's Sanmingtonghui (《三命通會》) influenced the caculation of Na-Yin and its later development. Na-Yin numbers were defined as the tone which people's own destiny belongs to.This thesis found that there are five ways to calculated Na-Yin numbers: (1) by Yang,Xiong's Tai Xuan Shu, (2) establishing orders of Five Elements before Tai Xuan Shu, (3) using San numbers (生數) with contradicting Five Elements as Na-Yin, (4) by Ge,Hong's Five Tones and Six Genera, (5) the method generated from Five Tone. This thesis emphasizes on both philosoph aspect and practicical evaluation technique of Na-Yin topic..納音樂律陰陽五行十天干十二地支京房六十律鄭玄「爻辰」揚雄「太玄數」葛洪「五音六屬」萬民英《三命通會》Na-Yintraditional music temperamentsYin and yang Five Elementsten Heavenly Stemstwelve Earthly BranchesJing Fang’s sixty pitch pipesZheng Xuan's Yao-ChenYang Xiong's Tai Xuan ShuGeHong's Five Tones and Six GeneraWanMin-Ying's Sanmingtonghui納音說及其相關問題研究A Theory of Heavenly Stems, Earthly Branches, and Five Elements Incorporating Traditional Music Temperaments and the Related Issues學術論文