張鳳琴CHANG,FONG-CHING溫元瑋WEN,YUAN-WEI2019-08-28不公開2019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698380191%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86074 本研究之目的主要以復原力觀點來探討青少年戒除藥物之歷程。本研究主要的方式為使用立意抽樣之滾雪球抽樣,深入訪談五位青少年與兩位實務專家,研究發現如下: 一、青少年接觸K他命之原因,多半對於同儕邀請及青少年的好奇而開始嘗試使用。另,多數青少年認為K他命會帶來身體上的傷害,但尚未發生在自己身上,因此仍使用K他命,且多數青少年認為K他命不具成癮性質。 二、在戒除藥物動機歷程上,依照青少年的狀況,青少年多是由於先被學校發現使用K他命需接受法律管束,而後,其父母、男/女友的勸戒與照顧,因此讓青少年走入戒除藥物的歷程。 三、在個人戒除藥物復原上,青少年產生的正向適應力包括轉換想法、自己告訴自己不要使用K他命、培養拒絕技巧與發展其他興趣,而外在支持資源包含家人關心、宗教信仰、重視健康。正向適應讓自己不使用的策略為減少接觸K他命的情境、降低自己因為使用K他命的負面連鎖傷害、培養出一套拒絕K他命的方式,以及對於自己的自尊與自信的提升。 綜合以上分析結果,建議持續增強青少年正向適應力的發展,以外在的正向互動刺激,增強青少年正向的調適能力,展現青少年逆境復原力。The purpose of this research was to enhance the understanding of Ketamine use and quit behaviors among adolescents with a view of resilience theory. The research involved purposive sampling and in-depth interview methods with 5 teenagers and 2 practice field specialists. This study had three main results. First, the conditions surrounding the initiation of Ketamine use among adolescents often involved peers’ invitations and adolescents’ curiosity. Most adolescents reported understanding Ketamine might harm their health, but were able to rationalize that Ketamine would not harm them. Adolescents also reported that Ketamine use would not lead to drug addiction, and, hence, they continued to use it. Second, most adolescents first thought of quitting Ketamine use after they were caught by school officials and were under the guidance of a teen court after being sent there. In addition, adolescents reported that the support of family members and boy/girlfriends was critical in helping them quit ketamine. Third, the adaptation process to assist adolescents in developing the resilience to quit Ketamine included changing their thinking toward Ketamine use—telling themselves not to use and practicing drug refusal techniques and new habits. In addition, the external support included their family’s involvement and religion. Thestrategies to persevere not to use Ketamine included reducing Ketamine use situations, reducing the consequences of the harm from Ketamine use, developing refusal techniques, and developing methods of strengthening self-esteem. As mentioned above, it is hoped that this research offers suggestions for practice in the field, particularly for those who work with adolescents. Fostering positive adaptations will be the best way to help adolescents to quit Ketamine use.K他命青少年使用與戒除藥物行為復原力KetamineAdolescentsdrug use and quit behaviorresilience青少年K他命使用與戒除行為之初探Ketamine Use and Quit Behaviors Among Adolescents