周談輝徐昊杲何玉瓊2019-09-042004-1-302019-09-042004http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2004000008%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/99375本研究旨在探究桃園縣國中學生升讀高中職態度及影響因素,採用問卷調查法,為達到研究目的,首先蒐集探討國內外相關文獻,建立研究架構並發展問卷,內容分為基本資料、升讀高中職態度量表與升讀高中職影響因素三大部分。本研究母群為九十一學年度桃園縣各鄉鎮市國三學生,調查對象共叢集抽樣二十七所學校三十七班數,範圍涵蓋縣、私立國中、完全中學,樣本數合計1315份。資料統計分析應用:次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、列聯相關、單一樣本t考驗、卡方考驗等方法進行考驗,獲得研究發現如下: 一、桃園縣國中學生升讀態度 (一)桃園縣國中學生升讀態度比例依序為高中普通科:高職類科:綜合高中約為3:2:1。 (二)學生的升讀態度與家庭結構、學業成績、升學準備等方面有相關存在。 二、升學資訊對桃園縣國中學生不同升讀態度之影響 (一)桃園縣國中學生實際獲取升學資訊以電腦網路為最常使用之工具,其次為文宣廣告、招生專線。 (二)升學資訊來源最多者為:父母.親友.國中師長提供、高中職學校對國中宣導、高中職學校網站、國中辦理多元入學宣導。 (三)升學資訊中之升學輔導措施與設置的科別,對學生升讀幫助性影響最大。 三、整合桃園縣國中學生對升讀高中職之影響因素有七項: 學校環境教學設備、設置的科別、自己的興趣喜好、科別合乎自己 興趣、自己基本學力測驗成績、自己對學校的喜好程度、父母經濟狀況、學費高低。This research aims to investigate Taoyuan County junior high school students' attitude toward choosing senior high schools, and the factors pertinent to the attitude. The research method applied herein is questionnaire. To reach a better goal, the research starts with literature review. Then, underneath that literature-based structure develops the questionnaire, which is divided into student data, the statistic chart of the attitude to senior high schools, and the possible factors related to the attitude. The target pupils are distributed to 1315 third-grade junior high school students in 27 county, private, or all-through secondary schools in Taoyuan County. As for the statistic methods, frequency distribution, percentage, contingent coefficient, mean, standard deviation, t-test, Chi-Square test are carried out. Listed below are the conclusions: 1. For junior high school students in Taoyuan County, the ratio of the students’ attitude toward selecting senior high schools is about 3:2:1, corresponding as general high school, vocational high school, and comprehensive high school. Such attitude is closely related to students' family structure, gender, academic achievement, as well as application preparation. 2. For junior high school students in Taoyuan County, the most frequently used tool for grasping information about senior high school application is the Internet, and the following are propaganda, advertisement, and hot line for prospective students. Besides, the most useful resources for information about senior high school application are as follows: parents, relatives or friends, teachers in junior high schools, propaganda from senior high school, websites of senior high schools, and propaganda of multi-entrance application. Among the information mentioned, the measures and settings of the senior high school application have the most significant influence on the junior high students. 3. Since the students’ attitude toward choosing senior high schools does has a great effect on junior high school students in Taoyuan County, the crucial factors in terms of students are listed as follows: their personal interest, the attraction of a specific major in a senior high school, their grades in the united basic-ability exams, their parents' social and economic state, their preference of the senior high schools, the tuition, the school milieu and learning facilities, as well as the divisions and settings of student majors.態度升讀高中職態度升讀高中職影響因素the attitudethe students’ attitude toward choosing senior high schoolsthe influential factors to the students’ attitude toward choosing senior high schools桃園縣學生升讀高中職態度及影響因素之研究A Study of the Attitude and Influential Factors on Students Choosing High Schools in Taoyuan Taiwan