朱鴻Chu, hung陳建宏Chen, Chien-Hung2019-09-032018-07-162019-09-032018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G080022007L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/95194摘要 中國古代思想家孫子曾云;「軍無輜重則亡,無糧食則亡,無委積則亡。」本文嘗試從軍糧供需的視角出發,運用明、清與朝鮮三方史料,剖析明清遼東戰爭的歷史進程,並以薩爾滸、寧遠、松錦三大戰役為論述主體,評估明清兩大帝國在處理軍糧供需問題時,所能採取的策略與實際發揮的成效。 薩爾滸戰後,明朝損兵失地,在遼東由攻轉守。為阻止後金的進攻,明朝傾注了全國人力、物力與財力於遼東一隅之地。此時人心渙散,米價高漲,卻需要募集更多軍隊與糧餉,不管是陸運或遼東本地召買米豆,皆無法節省經費。相較之下,海運濟遼成為解決軍糧供需的最佳良方。反之,清朝(後金)透過戰爭掠奪的手段,持續地吞食明朝在遼東的土地、軍隊、人口及各項資源,壯大自己的實力。然而,明朝為了維持在遼東的最後據點,寧錦防線不但不能棄守,還得不斷地運入精兵強將及後勤物資。這些資源卻在一次次的失敗中,不斷地遭到清軍吞食。 綜觀整場遼東戰爭,實際上是一場資源消耗戰,即使明朝國土、人口均數十倍於清朝(後金),卻在戰場上落入被動防禦的侷限性。隨著戰事一再失利,明朝不斷損耗寶貴的人力、物力。松錦戰後,明朝喪失了最後的軍事力量,再也無力扭轉遼東戰局。Abstract Ancient Chinese military strategist and philosopher Sun Tzu (孫子) had said that “We may take it then that an army without its baggage-train is lost; without provisions, it is lost; without bases of supply it is lost.” This thesis attempts to start from the perspective of supply and demand for army foods, and use the historical materials of Ming, Qing and Korea to analyze the historical process of the Liaodong War in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Focusing the main discussion on the three battles of Sarhu(薩爾滸), Ningyuan(寧遠), and Songjin(松錦), this article to evaluate Ming and Qing empire by their strategies and actual results achieved on dealing with supply and demand of army foods. After the War of Sarhu, since loose a lot of soldiers and lands, Ming China turn from attack to defense on Liaodong War. To prevent Houji Khanate attack, The Ming Dynasty devoted its country’s human, material, and financial resources to the land of Liaodong. At this time, people lost their confidence and the price of rice raised, but Ming government needed more and more soldiers, army salary and foods. These army foods include rice and beans were obtained through land transport or purchase in Liaodong, both can't save any money. Compared with the former ways, transport army foods by shipping to Liaodong seemed like the best way. In contrast, by plundering way to obtain the land, army, population, and all resources of the Ming Dynasty, Qing Dynasty strengthen its national power. However, in order to maintain the remaining territory of Liaodong, Ming Dynasty not only could not give up Ningjin Defense Line but also transported heavily armed troops and logistics supplies continuously. Nevertheless, when Ming army failed again and again, the military resources were occupied by the Qing army. Overlooking the entire Liaodong war, it can say that the war was a War of attrition actually. Even though the land and population of the Ming Dynasty were dozens of times larger than the Houjin (後金), Ming army fell into a limitation of passive defense. With the repeated defeat of the War, Ming Dynasty has continuously lost valuable human and material resources. After the Songjin War, because Ming Dynasty lost its final military power, it couldn’t reverse the result of Liaodong War.後勤軍糧供需海運濟遼明清遼東戰爭資源消耗戰Military LogisticsThe supply and demand of army foodsTransport army foods by shipping to LiaodongLiaodong War between Ming and Qing DynastiesAttrition Warfare軍糧供需與明清遼東戰爭(1618-1642)The supply and demand of army foods in Liaodong War between Ming and Qing Dynasties