林巾力Lin, Chin-Li許凱超Xu, Kai-Chao2019-08-292015-08-262019-08-292015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060026008L%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93141於一九七○年代起步寫作的詩人羅智成,文字風格神秘柔美,加上他哲學系背景之下更將深邃的語法、內在哲思都轉化為詩中的一部分。近年來詩人仍寫作不輟,在二○○九年的《夢中邊陲》之後,隔年開始陸續出版了《地球之島》、《透明鳥》,同時也重新出版了早期的《寶寶之書》與《光之書》。而針對前行研究者多半只論及《夢中邊陲》為止,因此本論文試重新以《地球之島》、《透明鳥》與兩書為主軸,輔以前人理論來看待近年來詩人斐然的文學成就。 本論文的主要目的與研究成果在於透過從古典絕句開始論起《地球之島》,其中「新絕句」在書寫的表現力有其特別之處以外,論及文明反思與後人類文明的意涵,傳遞出滅絕後重新的末世氛圍,筆者也加上生態自然的切入點,企圖找出與生態詩學對照的可能性。再利用大衛哈維的學說看待《透明鳥》詩作,分析聆聽與受話的雙向關係、對資本主義的省思。最後總結起兩本詩作中的空間問題作為焦點,最後一個章節裡以人文地理學的角度,綜合比較兩本書裡的空間建構與文明索求,另加入巴舍拉的空間詩學,期待給予新的面貌之餘,補足前人未論及之處。Luo Zhi Cheng is a poet who started writing in 1970. His poetic styles are mysterious and graceful. In addition, he blends deep grammar and internal philosophy together in the poetry perfectly owing to his background of graduating from philosophy department. In recent years, he has kept writing a lot of works. After finishing Frontier Of The Dream(2009), he started continually published Island Of The Earth and Transparent Bird. He also republished Book of Baby and Light Of Book at the same time. Because previous studies only discussed on Frontier Of The Dream so far, the study tries to focus on two works: Island Of The Earth and Transparent Bird, and using some theories to see his outstanding literary achievement in recent years. The main purpose and achievement of the study is to discuss Island Of The Earth through Chinese quatrain. New quatrain (poetic form) stands out with special expression. The meaning of civilization and trans- humanism transmit about restart after extinction -doomsday’s atmosphere. The writer also adds the view of ecology and natural science to find the possibility of contrast with ecology poetics. Use David Harvey’s theory of spaces to analyze Transparent Bird. Try to analyze the relationship between listener and receiver, and the introspection about capitalism. Eventually, conclude the space discussion mentioned in two books. In last chapter, comparing space construction and quest of civilization about the two books with human geography and mixing Gaston Bachelard’s the poetics of space to give the new face and even fill up the gap of the research.羅智成地球之島透明鳥空間文明省思Luo Zhi ChengIsland Of The EarthTransparent Birdspaceintrospection of civilization以《地球之島》、《透明鳥》為中心論羅智成現代詩A study on Luo Zhi Cheng's Island of the earth and Transparent Bird.