李田英 2014-10-272014-10-271992-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17134本文的研究目的在於測師專五年級學生畢業前的自然科學基本概念及對國小自然科教學之態度。 市立師院、省立臺北師院、新竹師院五年級學生,其它六所師院則依需要隨機抽取學生一班。 本研究以去年發展的「自然科基本概念訓練」及翻譯之Thomson與Shrigley「自然科教學態度量表」分別用以收集師專五年級學生畢業前之科學基本概念及對教國小自然科學之態度,所有工具在使用之前均經過效化的過程。 資料以SPSS□套裝軟體視需要分別求頻率、相關及迴歸分析。 研究結果顯示師專學生的基本自然科學知識偏低且高層次的思考能力不足。多數學生對科學具正確的觀念,但不教自然科學。性別、科學知識及科學態度為預測國小職前教師自然科學教學態度之主要變因。所選擇的變因可解釋21%之態度之變異。The purpose of this study is to understand preservice elementary school teachers' attitude towad science teaching and its relationships with selected variables. Selected variables included basic science knowledge, final grades of science courses, method course and student teaching, the number of science courses taken, gender, science process skills, scientific attitude, and reasoning ability. The 576 graduates from junior teacher colleges in 1990 were involved. Data were analyzed though frequencies, correlation and multiple regression. Results indicated that 90% of presservice teachers agreed with the importance and the nature of science. However, most of them were afraid of teaching science. Basic science knowledge, gender, scientific attitude are stronger predictors of preservice teachers' attitude toward science teaching.自然自然科自然科學知識國小基本教師教學態度職前國小職前教師基本自然科學知識及自然科教學態度之研究The Preservice Elementary School Teachers' Attitude toward Science Teaching and Its Relationships with Selected Variables