蘇宜芬Yi-Fen Su沈欣怡Hsin-Yi Shen2019-08-282007-7-252019-08-282007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0694010114%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90908本研究的主要目在探討「推論性問題引導課程」對國小四年級學童在故事體文章上的推論理解能力、自發性產出的推論數量與閱讀理解能力上的影響。研究方法採準實驗設計中的不等組前後測設計,以基隆市一所國小四年級71名學童為對象,實驗組36名學生,控制組35名學生;實驗組接受為期九週,每週兩節課(80分鐘)的「推論性問題引導課程方案」,控制組則未接受實驗處理。 本研究在推論理解能力與推論數量的分析部分,是以「國小學童推論理解測驗」與「放聲思考測驗」為評量工具;在閱讀理解能力部分,則以「故事重述測驗」為評量工具,並於實驗課程結束進行後測,所得資料以獨立樣本單因子共變數分析進行統計處理。同時也分析「單元回饋表」和「課程總回饋表」等實驗組學生回饋資料,以瞭解本實驗教學之成效。 研究結果顯示: 一、就推論理解能力而言: 1.推論性問題引導課程有助於提升學童在「國小學童推論理解測驗」的推論理解表現,在「指稱」、「精緻化」和「類比」層面具顯著提升效果,但在「因果關係」和「摘取大意」層面則無顯著提升效果。 2.推論性問題引導課程有助於提升學童在「放聲思考測驗」上自發性產出的推論數量,在「指稱」和「摘取大意」層面具顯著提升效果,但在「因果關係」、「精緻化」和「類比」等層面則無顯著提升效果。 二、就閱讀理解能力而言,推論性問題引導課程有助於提升學童的閱讀理解能力。 三、從實驗組學生的回饋資料中發現,超過八以上的學生表示喜歡上推論性問題引導課程,也認為整體課程能增進他們在推論理解與閱讀理解能力上的表現。 最後研究者針對研究結果加以討論,並提出具體建議以作為「推論性問題引導課程」在國小教學應用及未來研究上之參考。The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of “Inferential question discussion program” on narrative inferential comprehension ability, the quantity of spontaneous inferences and reading comprehension ability of fourth grade students. Quasi-experiment design was adopted to the present study. The participants were 71 fourth grade students selected from two classes in an elementary school in Keelung County. There were 36 students in the experimental group and 35 students in the control group. Students in the experimental group received “Inferential question discussion program” for 9 weeks, 2 sections (i.e. 80 mins) per week, while those in the control group did not receive any experimental treatment. Three quantitative instruments were used in this study. The Inferential Comprehension Test for Elementary School Students and the Think-Aloud Test were utilized to examine the inferential comprehension effects. The Story Retell Test was to examine the reading comprehension effect. The collected data were analyzed by one-way ANCOVA. The feedback provided by students in the experimental group were also analyzed. The results are presented as follows. First, with regard to the ability of inferential comprehension: (1)“Inferential question discussion program” significantly improved students’ inferential comprehension performance on the aspects of “referential inference,” “elaboration,” and “analogy” in the Inferential Comprehension Test for Elementary School Students, but did not significantly improve the aspects of “causal inference,” and “summarization”. (2) Regarding the quantity of spontaneous inferences, “Inferential question discussion program” could significantly increase students’ spontaneous inferences on the aspects of “referential inference,” and “summarization” in the Think-Aloud Test, but could not significantly improve the performance on the aspects of “causal inference,” “elaboration,” and “analogy”. Second, as for the ability of reading comprehension, “Inferential question discussion program” effectively improved students’ reading comprehension ability. Third, the students’ feedback showed that more than 80% of students in experimental group enjoyed “Inferential question discussion program” and benefited from this program on improving inferential comprehension and reading comprehension. All results are discussed and some suggestions for instructional application and future researches are provided as well.推論性問題引導課程推論理解閱讀理解國小學童inferential question discussion programinferential comprehensionreading comprehensionelementary school students「推論性問題引導課程」對國小四年級學童推論理解與閱讀理解能力之影響The Effects of “Inferential Question Discussion Program” on Inferential Comprehension and Reading Comprehension Ability of Fourth Grade Students