葉爾建Er-Jian Yeh2019-08-122019-08-122016-11-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/825911898 年,美國獲得菲律賓的統治權。美國在菲律賓之政廳為遂行殖民意圖,乃配合地理環境先後設立為數不少的「試驗場(experiment station)」和「種畜場(stock farm)」,以期發展群島的熱帶農牧業。基於選種、育種等農藝(agronomy)觀念發展而成的試驗場和種畜場,往往擔任多重任務。試驗場不僅嘗試移植外來之溫帶、熱帶農作物,並馴化當地植物,培育適合群島各式自然環境生長的穀物、牧草和果樹等。種畜場的設立有時供作肉牛、役畜的培育所,有時化身為鮮乳的供應場。Alabang 種畜場則較為特別,陸續加入血清製造和獸醫實驗等業務,堪稱是全菲律賓最具綜合性質的種畜場。本研究透過試驗場地點和位置的分析,初探二十世紀第一個十年美國在菲島經營殖民地農業的藍圖。具體而言,本文首先重建1900 年代菲島不同試驗場的地理分布;其次,將試驗場分類,並舉例說明不同類型的試驗場設立的主旨與區位選擇;最後,藉由以上發現探究美政廳針對菲律賓群島各區域所擘劃的農業經營架構。After the Treaty of Paris of 1898, the United States began its administration in the Philippine Islands. In order to promote the plant and animal industries in the tropics of the Philippines, the colonial American government established a variety of “experiment stations” and “stock farms” in accordance with the diverse geographical settings. Based on the conceptions of agronomy, such as selection and breeding, the experiment organizations were usually responsible for a range of professional works. On the one hand, the experiment stations not only introduced temperate and tropical crops from overseas, but also domesticate native plants such as grains, forages and fruits. On the other hand, stock farms were created for feeding beef cattle and draft animals as well as supplying fresh milk for the capital towns. Through a sketch analysis of the sites and locations of experiment stations, this paper reveals the historical geography of colonial agriculture in the Philippines in the early twentieth century.試驗場種畜場美屬菲律賓地點位置Experiment stationStock farmthe American PhilippinesSiteLocation試驗場與熱帶殖民地:1900年代美屬菲律賓的農業歷史地理Experiment Station and Tropical Colony: Historical Geography of Agriculture in the Philippines under the American Administration, 1900s