J. C. LIU2016-04-282016-04-282000-07-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/77709We restate the necessary optimality conditions of Bector et al. [1] and prove nonparametric sufficient optimality conditions for a minimax fractional variational problem involving generalized (F,ρ,θ)-convex functions. Subsequently,we use these optimality conditions to consider three Zalmai-type duality models [34] and establish weak , strong , and strict converse duality theorems using generalized ( F,ρ,θ)-convex functions.Minimax fractional variational problemgeneralized(Fρθ)-convexitypseudo-convexitydualityMINIMAX FRACTIONAL VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS WITH GENERALIZED (F, ρ、θ )-CONVEXITY